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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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SOURCE:	Etc. 64 no3 209-17 Jl 2007

    MY WIFE Pamela and I recently saw The Good Shepherd at the theatre. In one scene Joe Pesci (playing a great Italian guy probably a mobster) converses with the American spy Mr. Wilson (who happens to be European American). Pesci's character says, "we Italians have the church, the Jews have tradition, and the n-----s have their music," and then turning to Wilson asks, "What do your people have?" Mr. Wilson comes back quickly in a totally unfeeling way, "we have the country. The rest of you are just visitors."
    Pesci's derogatory statement about African Americans shouts loudly about the racial hierarchy in our contemporary, white, "supremacist" culture (and even more so in the culture of the 1950s and 1960s when the story takes place); however, it also silently breathes out a noxious vein of something running much deeper in our acculturated white world that has been framed and crafted by our words, associations, and philosophies. For it is through these dogmas that we have designed our collective reality about difference. Our society has formulated our collective reality around race with a language all its own.
    Something else seems "messaged" to me: there is a non-verbal norm of what appears to be a determined and stratified tier-system of racial dominance within his statement. On the surface it looks like Pesci is saying something positive about each group, but the bottom line is that he calls African Americans the "n" word and they inevitably wind up at the bottom. Historically this has been the case. Even in light of the Civil Rights Act, Brown vs. the Board of Education, desegregation and Affirmative Action, white America has to have someone it can place at the lowest point on the gradient of the hierarchy of oppression. Some possible reasons for this will follow in this article.
    In order to get this we have to come to understand that a European, white-dominated system formulated who would be considered white, giving permission to some groups to move freely up and down the ladder of social hierarchy developed around race. The ethnic groups cited by Pesci--Italian, Jewish, and African ancestry -- have all been stigmatized, made scapegoats, and oppressed in both our distant and recent past. The past has also influenced the present as it continues to exist today. Knowing this must inform how we will shape the future when it comes to understanding, appreciating, sharing resources and exchanging ideas with those who don't fit within whatever the "white" mold is at the time. Currently this affects most powerfully immigrants coming from Mexico to better their lives in the U.S.
    The language of racism has created a way of thinking; in brief, it has created a world that is false to the way the universe seems to operate. Another way to say this is that we have structured the world by our narratives and meta-narratives about WIGO, i.e., "what is going on out there." But we seem to have gone beyond that. We too often believe that our words about our world are undeniable, unchallengeable facts. We have turned what Korzybski called 'consciousness of abstracting,' up side down; people have substituted what they think, feel and believe about the verbal and non-verbal universe that surrounds them, for the structure of scientific fact. Humans sense an event non-verbally, label it, then describe it, and finally create generalizations or attitudes about it. In our mis-education we believe our stereotypes are facts in far too many instances. This is how stereotypes begin and are perpetuated for groups of folks that we fear or whom we deem inferior.
    A good example of this substituting may be found in a docudrama by filmmaker Oren Jacoby. The short documentary called Sister Roses Passion follows the later life of Sister Rose Thering, a Dominican nun. In the film, she tells how her father mentioned that there was a new pharmacist in town, and that he thought the man was Jewish. When he said this, he lowered his voice to a whisper, as though he might be found out just mouthing the word "Jewish." When she got home, Rose asked her mother what a Jew was. She had read in some of her religious education books that the Jews had killed Christ. Her mother didn't answer at first, but when Rose prodded her again she said, "They killed Christ."
    After going into a convent, Rose eventually came to the point of researching and investigating Catholic teachings about the role of the Jews in the death of Christ. She found that in Catholic theology and scholarship, as well as at the grass roots level of Catholic lay people, many believed that indeed it was the Jews who killed Christ. For Christians, this meant the Jews had committed deicide or the killing of God.
    Later while doing graduate work for her doctorate she looked at the facts of biblical and historical interpretations surrounding the crucifixion and found that it wasn't the Jews who had killed Christ. Sister Rose's research revealed that the tyrannical Romans were well known to use crucifixion for punishment, but the Jews apparently never did. Additionally, many Christians feel that the Gospels are eyewitness accounts, while in fact they were written anywhere from fifty to one hundred years after Jesus' death. The Gospel writers wrote in such a way as to distance themselves from the Jews. It also should be remembered that Jesus was a Jew who lived among Jews; the apostles were all Jews, and some of the most contentious issues took place at a time when Jews hated this sect that came to be called Christianity. Sister Rose concluded that it was no wonder that the early church fathers and other redactors would propagandize the myth that the Jews killed Christ (for another interesting take on this, one contemporary film, The Color of the Cross, poses the idea that Christ was an African man who was hated by both Romans and Jews, and was thus removed from the scene by racism).
    So for hundreds of years a myth was substituted for fact, a scapegoat was found for the death of God, and within a large, collective unconscious the words "the Jews killed Christ" were seen to be the truth. Sister Rose was one of the key players in the Catholic hierarchy who caused a change within the globe-circling system of Catholicism when Vatican 1I finally recognized very clearly that Jesus was not killed by the Jews. This led the Roman Catholic Church to renounce centuries of myth, lies, and ignorance. Along her journey she was resisted by many, companion Catholics, not only because she was a woman but because a system will resist and deny an objectionable truth until it can no longer wiggle out of it.
    As an aside, I'd like to mention that I grew up in a suburb north of Chicago, in a neighborhood divided between Catholics and Protestants. There was an "uneasy truce" between the two sides. Somewhere, early on in my life, had been planted in my mind the idea that the Jews killed the Messiah, and this was subtly reinforced as I grew up in my Protestant home. Some of my family lived in the South, and the message was more pronounced in that region. This unconscious notion rattled around in the darker, unseen areas of my psyche for years until I came to discover the facts about it. The accompanying attitudes I had ingested about Catholics definitely gave me an subconscious bias and prejudice against them as a group as well.
    Just catching a glimpse of the inside of a neighbor's home, with its mysterious icons and symbols of sainthood, or peering inside the huge, dark, mysterious St. Joseph's Catholic Church at the top of the street, added to the air of secrecy that stood between me and the Catholic friends I had in the neighborhood. The realities that I felt inside my head about the differences between us erected a wall of misunderstanding and mistrust. Anything that isn't put on the table and talked about openly breeds mistrust, and dialogue won't be forthcoming. The wall of separation is buttressed higher and higher by stereotypes and self-fulfilling prophecies about the "other." The maps inside my head about the territory of Catholicism did not accurately reflect the human beings who called themselves "Catholic."
    One teacher of general semantics, Irving J. Lee, gave a paper at the Second American Congress on General Semantics in 1941 (compiled and edited by M. Kendig in 1943), titled Mechanism of Conflict and Prejudice. In it, he refers to Aristotle's philosophy, including many racial myths Aristotle taught his students: some groups were slaves and some free, some were rulers and some to be ruled. Aristotle's reason? That this was the eternal order of nature and God; harmony could only be attained if the oppressed were 'kept in their place.' Aristotle and many other classical traditionalists have been the shapers, movers and shakers of our present day worldviews. In colonial times it was believed that the United States of America was bequeathed this legacy as well, especially in the light of its fundamentalist, patriotic battle cry of "Manifest Destiny."
    The philosophy of dualism is primarily a notion of Western European culture and academia. Dualism forms the hard, inner lining of much of our religious, educational, and social education. We thought it kept us warm against the cold chills of uncertainty and ambiguity. Today we still feel it provides security against the fear of the "other," and the changing complexities of the world. European American society has fashioned a buffer zone based on dualism that we use to order our world. Dualism seems foundational to our American worldview. We crave certainty and control. Our anxiety appears to lead us to an onslaught of fearful, obsessive emotions, and these may be noted as the primary, psychological state of our society.
    Aristotle's notion of dualism leads to our present method of "either-or" thinking. He formulated a worldview that people, places, or things were either to be categorized as A or Non-A. In the natural system world, a tree is a tree, and what is a non-tree can't be a tree no matter how hard it tries. Dualism structures a world that is characterized by rigidity, extremes, good or bad, lower or higher, etc. Dualism creates a thought structure positing reality as a series of events, actions, occurrences, outcomes, failures or successes at the two extremes of a linear axis. Dualism allows no "both ands" within a dynamic process of tractable non-opposites. But a living tree is in the process of both growing and dying. It exists in a process state of being with growing and decaying happening simultaneously.
    In our contemporary world of quantum physics consciousness of life as process has emerged. Both life processes and actors in the events are integral parts of this dynamism. This new way of viewing the building blocks of life has created a radical shift in the understanding of reality. Life may be viewed now more as a fluid, non-static, ever-changing energy flow with every interdependent form of life in our universe, animate and inanimate, as part of the process. Seen in this way, the decay and rotting of the tree cited above, is a part of the life of the universe. Viewing the structure of life through these lenses shows us that for the tree, rotting isn't good or bad, worse or better, but just a part of the joie de vivre of the cosmos.
    If we think of the attributes of civilized, intelligent, spiritual, concern for family, etc. on an "either-or," linear continuum, we give ourselves the permission to assert value judgments on varied people groups different from ours. The value judgments depend on which group is doing the evaluating, which group is being targeted, and what kind of criteria used for the attributes mentioned above. A 'white racial frame' is a lens through which those of us who are European Americans (or who view themselves as "white") perceive the world. From this white lens there is often an "either-or" assumption about others who don't look like us as being "less than."
    This new view invites us to ask ourselves the question that dualism encourages: is it true to the structure of life to say that some ethnicities are by their very nature, less civilized, less intelligent, less spiritual, less concerned about the lives of their families? Is this logical? Is this a statement of fact or science? Science has found no biological basis for race, and anthropology has taught that race is more a social, political and economic construct of reality. DNA research and testing has confirmed that there is more diversity within one ethnicity than between different ethnicities.
    The European American idea of white "supremacy" is indeed a "false-to-facts" ideology. This philosophy that the world of humanity is a dualistic and closed system results in circular reasoning that leads to an un-sane way of seeing reality. Contained in this paradigm is the notion of white superiority and non-white inferiority, an idea fleshed out in a closed, deterministic loop and the dogmatic assertion that "white is always right," and that no other schemata is true or workable in life. In other words, it's closed because the only reasonable answer to our human condition is that white "supremacy" is the only answer, period. It's THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
    Within its tenets (and its premise that "whiteness" is "normal"), life can never change, people can never change, cultures never change, genetics are forever set, etc. It is life within a boundary of expectations for one group (whites) and expectations for the "other" (non-whites). This rigid ideology is transformed into a system of white privilege, power and possession. To say that European American capitalism is good leaves out many facets of conditions extant in the world today such as environmental racism, racism, inaccurate values of beauty and sophistication, rabid consumerism and materialism at the expense of peace, joy and contentment, along with bloodshed on many continents in the name of democracy and freedom.
    On the other hand, when we see that humanity is compounded from many cultures, religions, resources, ethnic assets and values, we can begin to see that all life is dying even in the process of being born, in the words of Bob Dylan. In this non-static manner, our dynamic world is always changing, with the old being replaced by the new; nothing is permanent, and space, matter and energy are in the flux of change. In one ordinary cell we can see the workings of the entire universe, but when we really get it, it presents a global universe without fixed borders and worldviews. Viewing the "ordinariness" of life in this way may open up our thinking to encompass a superordinate universe without fixed borders and rigid worldviews.
    As Dr. William H. Pemberton writes, if we are to solve international conflicts, there is no room for a singular, dogmatic worldview, common only to one, supreme group. With impermanence comes change, and with change comes an appreciation for the novelty of life and other human beings. A worldview propagated by white, European determinism is the cause of insanity, conflict, the push and pull of the 'better and the worst,' and much suffering for both the oppressors and the oppressed. A worldview of interdependency is admittedly the cause of unpredictability, but it spawns new creative movements and ideas, and a respect for other cultures who simply view life differently, not deficiently. Interdependency is indeed the 'true to fact' way of science.
    Our task, then, as whites, and especially as European Americans, is to get used to seeing the world as a place of flowing with the yin and yang of both instability and certainty that is forever changing. Just think of planting an apple seed in your yard. Although growth is a possibility, it's not a certain fact until it occurs. There are many variables that can affect the conditions of the seed in its growth stage: weather, insects, the type of soil it is growing in, fertilizer. Growth is always messy, as is healing. Growth is unpredictable and invisible at times. The apple seed is a part of an interdependent 'organism-as-a-whole-in-an-environment' embraced by change and instability. If the seed grows into a tree, it may produce a hybrid mutation or it might produce luscious fruit. It behooves white Americans to understand this about the growth of this nation and others on the globe.
    Even in the production of a chocolate bar, there are many factors and compounds that go into creating the end result. Even then some people are allergic to chocolate. A life of diversity is one that implies commitment, understanding difference, knowing the mechanisms of prejudice and racism, accepting unpredictability, and resting in uncertainty. The advantages, however, include more available resources through more cultures working together in community and bringing unique talents and skills to the common goal of keeping our planet alive and well.
    Nationalities, cultures and ethnic groups are also forever changing despite having some long-held traditions and practices. There are always exceptions to this rule. Indigenous, Native Americans were very sophisticated in their system of governance prior to the coming of Europeans to the Americas. They ruled their territories, lived and died, practiced their spirituality, had families and lived life for hundreds of years, yet now many of them find themselves living in conditions that can be likened to crowded chicken coops on what can best be described as 'developing world' reservations. The European immigrants who settled in the Americas are now the ruling majority and have imposed a system of social, political and economic enrichment for their own hegemony. And what's more, too many of us consider only people who look like us, talk like us, make money like us, believe like us, dress like us, to be the "real" Americans.
    The language and thought processes of racism, particular to our American culture, are filled with what Joe Feagin calls "sincere fictions." These "sincere fictions" are the stereotypical notions of how non-white groups are of lower intelligence, less civilized, less hard working and not as moral as whites. Feagin writes, "Today, as in the past, the distorted white framing of society is generated and supported by more than childhood socialization. It is supported by a lifetime of moment-to-moment reinforcements within a long series of interactions in recurring and supporting social networks." (Feagin, p. 44)
    Whites view non-whites through a "white racial frame" as all humans view life through the window of their own unique perceptions. In one of Feagin's dialogue workshops, he emphasized the need to view this white racial frame from a psycho-historical vantage point. Our social conditioning and perceptual awareness of others doesn't arrive out of thin air. It is formulated in the mix of our semantic environment, consisting of diverse layers of biological, social, intellectual, historical, psychological, economic and spiritual factors. If one draws a time line of our national history, one finds that ninety percent of our history has consisted of slavery and legalized segregation. Clearly, white Americans have held these conditioned worldviews for a long time.
    The white racial frame includes racialized emotions tied to cognitive stereotypes and powerful, neuro-biological images. Breaking this down, Feagin writes:

    Whites typically combine racial stereotypes (the cognitive aspect), metaphors and concepts (the deeper cognitive aspect), images (the visual aspect), emotions, (feelings like fear), and inclinations (to take discriminatory actions) within a racist frame that is oriented, in substantial part, to assessing African Americans and other Americans of color in everyday situations, as well as to assessing white Americans and white institutions (p. 27).

    As long as white Americans continue to use language and thought processes which are counter to the structure of the real world, we will perpetuate our pathogenic system. But if even one piece of a system begins to change, despite the all too natural resistance, the entire system can shift. One small example of this is the use of the terms "minorities" when referring to non-whites. In point of fact, non-whites are not "minorities" (in the global context), and recently whites in America are becoming a smaller percentage of the demography. This means that we have to change our maps of the territory we call America both in terms of demographics and how we wish to anglicize the systems within the communities where we live.
    It appears to me that the proclivity for white domination may stem from the drive to keep ourselves on top, and not to become extinct. For us, it's our survival mode. But this is the mode of the old, 'hunter brain.' Our anxieties relate to our fear of the "others" taking over, turning the tables, and our annihilation as an ethnic group. It used to be said that the sun never set on the British Empire, but we only have to look at a map of the world today to conclude this statement to be false. Realistically and rationally we can also conclude that the Brits gave the world some healthy contributions, but also some unhealthy ones, namely colonialization with its genocidal instincts.
    I like the way that Stewart Holmes explains a way of thinking about difference as it applies to human beings. He describes how he formulates the word "reality" to the universe and our situation. The universe, what we may call the non-verbal composites of life, he names Reality 1. The verbal part of "reality," that which we describe and talk about (but which is not the reality itself), he names Reality 2. "Reality 2" exists within our limited brains, our limited senses and our limited language. It is the reality we formulate within ourselves.
    Including reality in this model means that we tend to separate ourselves from the rest of life or the whole, interdependent universe. This is one of those elemental landmines cropping up in our path suggesting feelings of separation and alienation. Because we see ourselves as separate, we project that anxious isolation onto other groups and initiate one of the mechanisms of conflict, prejudice and racism. This is a consequence of dualistic thinking, a closed system of reasoning; thus, we have placed ourselves within a circle and everyone else (who doesn't look like us) outside the circle. We describe and assign what's inside our circle as possessing "+s" and what's outside "-s."
    Many schools of science, philosophy, and religion paint a canvas of an open universe; that in actuality the "world out there" is all within the circle and this is the "real" deal, what we can call the "circle of life." At the same time all life is changing as we speak, shifting like the earth's plates beneath our feet. All life is building up and disintegrating, and all energy is being transformed into other energy in ongoing cycles. Shouldn't we then develop a new language and a new thinking that would accommodate this universal? Could this not help us to displace an older form of dualism and bring about a new "multivision" of humanity and life?
    This new way of thought needs to be congruent with WIGO. My hunch is that it needs to be more congruent to an open-ended, fluid, changing, non-static, and diverse universe in which all forms of life are giving and taking to keep the fire of life alive and productive. A new conversation and language around the issues of racism is one way of structuring a new model for the discussion of these vital topics in our age of diversity. I consider it crucial for European Americans to engage in this conversation and help to create it, to repudiate the history of European American dominance and oppression in our culture.
    Christopher Bear Beam, MA, has been studying and applying GS to the field of counseling for thirty years. In the last eleven years he has been utilizing GS principles in the area of anti-racism training and social education. He currently works with evacuees from hurricanes Katrina and Rita and lives in Galveston, TX with his beautiful wife, Pamela Brouker. © Christopher Bear Beam 2007

    1. Feagin, Joe R. Systemic Racism: a Theory of Oppression. New York: Routledge. 2006
    2. Feagin, Joe R. "Dissecting Racism: Deep Roots, Systemic Realities, and Working Solutions. A Dialogue with Joe R. Feagin." Presented by The Center for the Healing of Racism, Houston, TX. October, 2006
    3. Holmes, Stewart W. "Zen and the Abstracting Process." ETC.: A Review of General Semantics (Spring 1991): pp.70-73.
    4. Khyentse, Dzongsar Jamyang. What Makes You Not a Buddhist. Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc. 2007
    5. Korzybski, Alfred. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantic. Englewood: Institute of General Semantics. 1994. Chapter 26
    6. Lee, Irving. "A Mechanism of Conflict and Prejudice." Institute of General Semantics, 1941
    7. Orenby, J, Producer. "Sister Rose's Passion." New Jersey Studios & Metropolitan Film Board, Storyfilm Films Production. (2006). [DVD].
    8. Pemberton, William H. "Conflict Resolution for Major World Religions." ETC: A Review of General Semantics (Summer 2000)

Source: [[HW Wilson: Main|]]
A Half-Century Later, Brown Ruling's Legacy Lives On

By Brian Burnes and Erik Petersen
Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT)

     KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Everybody knows the story of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education.

     Or maybe they don't, said Cheryl Brown Henderson of Topeka.

     The history that many people think they know, she said, concerns Linda Brown of Topeka, Kan., an African-American third-grader who in the early 1950s was not allowed to attend her neighborhood school because of discrimination. Her father, angered by the practice, challenged it in court and won.

     But that version doesn't cut it, said Henderson, who is Linda Brown's sister.

     "It trivializes the significance of the decision, as well as the century-old campaign that it took to ultimately get the Supreme Court to render the decision that it did in 1954," she said.

     Henderson said the reality is that the Brown case was not only about one girl or one hidebound Kansas school district.

     It was about the centuries' worth of intolerance that was weighing down race relations and how dearly some people wanted to see inclusion become part of everyday American life.

     "The myth has been around for almost five decades," she said.

     This week, Henderson and many others will tell that larger story in a new way.

     Tuesday and Wednesday in Washington, Henderson will join other participants in the Brown case for a commemoration of the landmark litigation.

     The events, which will launch a commemoration leading up to the decision's 50th anniversary in May 2004, will include a reception in the Dirksen Senate Office Building and a forum in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

     Also attending will be Charles Scott Jr., a Kansas City lawyer and son of the late Charles Scott Sr., who helped represent the plaintiffs in Topeka federal court.

     Scott also thinks the story too often is reduced to Linda Brown and her father.

     "I think that is more palatable to people....They don't want to confront the issue of race," he said.

     In fact, the litigation is part of the same historical tapestry as colonists fighting the British or the Union battling the Confederates, said Juan Williams, senior correspondent for National Public Radio and author of books about Thurgood Marshall and the civil rights movement.

     After those wars, Americans continued waging legal battles to determine where we stand and what we believe.

     "I think that what's important is to help people see Brown as part of...the main narrative of American history," said Williams, who will be the keynote speaker at Wednesday's forum.

     "You can see the kind of historical wrestling that's going on as we try to live up to the ideals of the founding fathers."

     Linda Brown could not be reached for an interview and rarely talks with the media.

     In 1950, the Topeka branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People wrote Marshall, then the national organization's chief lawyer, saying that segregation in local public schools had grown intolerable.

     Topeka NAACP officials had been speaking with several black parents about participating in litigation.

     Among them was Oliver Brown, an African-American minister and railroad welder. His daughter Linda had to walk one mile through a railroad switchyard to reach her elementary school, even though a white elementary school was closer.

     The NAACP requested an injunction that would forbid the segregation of Topeka's public schools.

     The federal court in Topeka heard Brown v. Topeka Board of Education in June 1951. A three-judge panel found no "substantial discrimination" in the operation of Topeka public schools.

     Those judges also relied on Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 decision that advanced the "separate but equal" doctrine, allowing segregation if equal facilities were offered to blacks and whites.

     Yet in a supplement to their opinion, the judges echoed the testimony of educators who argued that the segregation of students in public schools had a "detrimental effect" upon black children.

     The NAACP appealed the ruling in October 1951. The case later was consolidated with lawsuits challenging school segregation in South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware and the District of Columbia.

     On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

     In 1988, the Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence and Research was founded as a tribute to those involved in the Brown case. Henderson, the foundation's president, sees the Brown v. Board story in national terms.

     But, being a family member, Henderson also takes its legacy personally.

     "Brown v. Board is named for my father, Oliver Brown," she said. "He died in 1961, only seven years after the court's decision.

     "I make that point, because Brown v. Board didn't become significant to this country until the late 1950s and early 1960s, and I think it is sad that he could not live long enough to know that anytime equal rights are being championed, Brown v. Board is always used as the basis.

     "I think that is pretty profound."

     Many of those who will participate in Wednesday's forum were children or teen-agers in the early 1950s. They now see young people who do not understand how today's debates descended from yesterday's battles.

     "It's not exposed to our children in the school system," said Ruth Scales Everett, who was a Topeka schoolgirl when her mother became a plaintiff in the Brown case.

     "I'm teaching my grandchildren, but a lot of them don't even have any idea of what it is."

     As a teen-ager, John Stokes led a student strike that was part of the desegregation struggle in Virginia. He says the media do a poor job of making history such as the Brown case part of the discussion about race today.

     To know where they are going, he said, young people must know where they are from.

     "Then they would be able to respect where we are educationally, socially and otherwise in our society," Stokes said. "And if they were to read and understand our struggle, they'll understand affirmative action better."

     For him, it is almost a biblical calling.

     "Galatians indicates that we should not permit another generation, see, to be lost," he said.

     Stokes would tell young people that he and the other youngsters did not necessarily enter the battle with any great plan.

     "We thought there was going to be some solution," he said. "All we wanted was a school. We didn't want integration."

     But once the NAACP was behind them, they battled for integration in a dangerous atmosphere.

     "We thought we were going to be killed," he said. "They were eerie times, believe me, and frightening times."

     Many of the people who lived through those times now are elderly. Some have died. And their legacy is still being written.

     Urban schools remain largely segregated, for example, and many are inferior.

     "That's the unfinished business of Brown," Williams said.

     The case deserves more dialogue, said Scott, because the stakes could not be higher.

     He said he was concerned about the segregation in public education, and "I feel that is going to have very dire consequences for the country."

     Still, the Brown case prompted change across the country, Williams said. It raised expectations in the black community and prodded the conscience of the white community. Protests, sit-ins, the march on Washington -- those monumental steps -- stood on the foundation laid by Brown v. Board, he said.

     Today, veterans of the struggle have arrived at a place they might not have imagined 50 years ago. They are being brought to Washington so people can hear and celebrate their story.

     The fighters have a voice.

     "After 50 years, they're listening," Stokes said. "And that's sort of astonishing." 

Source: [[SIRS Knowledge Source: Search Results|]]
Last year at Southern Illinois University I gave a workshop in what the basic skills of a good life are as I understand them. Toward the end of it a young man rose in back and shouted at me: “I'm 25 years old, I've lived a quarter of a century, and I don't know how to do anything except pass tests. If the fan belt on my car broke on a lonely road in a snowstorm I'd freeze to death. Why have you done this to me?”

He was right. I was the one who did it just as much as any other teacher who takes up the time young people need to find out what really matters. I did it innocently and desperately, trying to make a living and keep my dignity, but nevertheless I did it by being an agent of a system whose purpose has little to do with what kids need to grow up right. My critic had two college degrees it turned out, and his two degrees were shrieking at me that going to school doesn't matter very much even if it gets you a good job.

People who do very well in schools as we've conceived them have much more than their share of suicides, bad marriages, family problems, unstable friendships, feelings of meaninglessness, addictions, failures, heart by-passes that don't work and general bad health. These things are very well documented but most of us can intuit them without any need for verification. If school is something that hurts you, what on earth are we allowing it for?

Does going to school matter if it uses up all the time you need to learn to build a house? If a 15-year-old kid was allowed to go to the Shelter Institute in Bath, Maine, he would be taught to build a beautiful post-and-beam Cape Cod home in three weeks, with all the math and calculations that entails; and if he stayed another three weeks he'd learn how to install a sewer system, water, heat and electric. If any American dream is universal, owning a home is it – but few government schools bother teaching you how to build one. Why is that? Everyone thinks a home matters.

Does going to school matter if it uses up the time you need to start a business, to learn to grow vegetables, to explore the world or make a dress? Or if it takes away time to love your family? What matters in a good life?
Source: [[Natural Life Magazine #40 - What Really Matters by John Taylor Gatto|]]
All dates are tentative, please RSVP.

!!Beach ~Service-Learning Experience (Virginia Beach or Cape Florida) 
Saturday, Sept. 15
Carlos Morales Gonzalez
(305) 237-6028
!!Roots in the City (Overtown)
Saturday, Oct. 27
Saturday, Nov. 10
Saturday, Dec. 1
Alex Salinas
!!Gandhi Day (Wolfson Campus, Overtown, University of Miami)
Saturday, Oct. 6 
Carlos Morales Gonzalez
(305) 237-6028
!!Lotus House (Overtown)
Tuesday, Sept. 11
Tuesday, Oct. 3 
Emily Sendin
(305) 237-6172
!!I Have a Dream Program (Overtown)
Garden Club
Wednesday, Sept. 26
Wednesday, Oct. 17
Wednesday, Nov. 14
!!MDC Campus Tour
Saturday, Nov. 3
Alex Salinas
!!Centro Cristiano Casablanca (Little Havana)
Monday - Friday, 2-6pm
Diego Tibaquira
(305) 237-6565
I came across the following article and thought about our work at Phillis Wheatley:


What kinds of questions can we ask ourselves and the work we are doing at the school in reference to this article.  What connections can we make with Ivan Illich's observation in [["To Hell with Good Intentions"|]]?
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the writing process by:

*Choosing and limiting a subject that can be sufficiently developed within a given time, for a specific purpose, for a specific purpose and audience. 
*Developing and refining pre-writing and planning skills. 
*Formulating the main point to reflect the subject and purpose of the writing. 
*Supporting the main point with specific details and arranging them logically. 
*Writing an effective conclusion. 
The student will demonstrate proficiency in writing a unified and coherent essay using methods of development suited to the topic by:

*Writing an introductory paragraph. 
*Constructing a thesis statement. 
**Developing the thesis by: 
***Providing adequate support that reflects the ability to distinguish between generalized and concrete evidence. 
***Arranging the ideas and supporting details in a logical pattern appropriate to the purpose and focus.  These may include descriptive, narrative, evaluative writing, process analysis, comparisons and contrast, cause and effect, and exemplification, and others. 
***Writing unified prose in which all supporting material is relevant to the thesis. 
***Writing coherent prose providing effective transitional devices. Writing a concluding paragraph. 
The student will demonstrate the ability to proofread, edit, and revise by:

*Recognizing and correcting errors in clarity. 
*Recognizing and correcting errors in unity and coherence. 
*Using conventional sentence structure and correcting sentence errors such as  fragments, run-ons, comma splices, misplaced modifiers and faulty parallelism. 
*Recognizing and correcting errors in utilizing the conventions of Standard American English including: 
**Using standard verb forms and consistent tense. Maintaining agreement between subject and verb, pronoun and antecedent. Using proper case forms -- consistent point of view. 
**Using standard spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. 
**Selecting vocabulary appropriate to audience, purpose, and occasion. 
The student will demonstrate an understanding of various reading selections by:

*Identifying main ideas, purpose, overall organizational patterns, supporting details, and elements of coherence in assigned readings. 
*Distinguishing fact from opinion. 
*Summarizing and/or paraphrasing passages. 
The student will integrate research materials into a piece of writing by:

*Assembling research sources on a designated subject. 
*Taking effective notes from research sources. 
*Recognizing when and how to document sources. 
[[Competency #1]]
[[Competency #2]]
[[Competency #3]]
[[Competency #4]]
[[Competency #5]]
ENC 1101 is the first required general course in college-level writing. You will compose essays and other works using various methods of development. This course fulfills 8,000 words of the Gordon Rule requirement and must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.  We will write and hopefully learn something new and find pleasure in the process.

This course is intimately tied to the I Have A Dream Program at Phillis Wheatley Elementary in Overtown. The program adopted a cohort of students in the first grade, promising to support them through enrichment activities, tutoring and mentorship all the way through their high school graduation. Dreamers who graduate receive a full academic scholarship for college. Basically, the program creates what is almost a family for these students. At MDC, we have participated in the nurturing, learning and growth of these students for three years. Now, as the Dreamers start fifth grade, you have a chance to join the family.
For much of the semester (after taking the first month to lay a foundation), we will move our class to the elementary school and devote one of our meetings to passing along the literacy skills we're working on in our composition course to the Dreamers. You will work with the Dreamers on reading and writing as well as design structured activities for them. You will have an opportunity to serve as a positive role model who will encourage them to pursue college. You will also have a chance to work on an organic garden we've been maintaining on school grounds. 
Keep in mind that this experience is not only about giving something to the Dreamers. You are in a position to gain a great deal. In essence, the school and the children become our main "text." We will read, interpret and write about the experience. The interactions you have, for example, will give you a powerful context for understanding the psychology of children, basic educational principles, and social problems like poverty and racism. And perhaps most importantly, in getting to know these children, you have an opportunity to form bonds that will last for many years. This course, we hope, gives you a taste of what it truly means to serve.
Schools are designed on the assumption that there is a secret to everything in life; that the quality of life depends on knowing that secret; that secrets can be known only in orderly successions; and that only teachers can properly reveal these secrets. An individual with a schooled mind conceives of the world as a pyramid of classified packages accessible only to those who carry the proper tags. New educational institutions would break apart this pyramid. Their purpose must be to facilitate access for the learner: to allow him to look into the windows of the control room or the parliament, if he cannot get in by the door. Moreover, such new institutions should be channels to which the learner would have access without credentials or pedigree -- public spaces in which peers and elders outside his immediate horizon would become available.

I believe that no more than four -- possibly even three -- distinct "channels" or learning exchanges could contain all the resources needed for real learning. The child grows up in a world of things, surrounded by people who serve as models for skills and values. He finds peers who challenge him to argue, to compete, to cooperate, and to understand; and if the child is lucky, he is exposed to confrontation or criticism by an experienced elder who really cares. Things, models, peers, and elders are four resources each of which requires a different type of arrangement to ensure that everybody has ample access to it.


Source: [[Ivan Illich|]]
The struggle against domination by the world market and big-power politics might be beyond some poor communities or countries, but this weakness is an added reason for emphasizing the importance of liberating each society through a reversal of its educational structure, a change which is not beyond any society's means.
Source: [[Ivan Illich|]]
The labor movement has a long history.  In South Florida, many forget or ignore the local struggles.  Take some time to explore one such example.  This one has to do with the food we eat and how it is [[harvested|]]. If you are interested in supporting the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, plan to participate in their [[August 31 action|]]. 
|!Format|!It will look like this...|!...if you format it like this...|
|Bold-faced type|''text''|{{{''text''}}}|
|Italic text|//text//|{{{//text//}}}|
|Underlined text|__text__|{{{__text__}}}|
|Strike-through text|--text--|{{{--text--}}}|
|Links with wikiwords|EnchiLada (inactive link - no tiddler yet)<br>WikiWord (active link to tiddler)|{{{EnchiLada}}}<br>{{{WikiWord}}}|
|~De-Wikify a ~WikiWord|~WikiWord, ~EnchiLada|{{{~WikiWord, ~EnchiLada}}}|
|Links with brackets|[[How to add background images]]|{{{[[How to add background images]]}}}|
|Pretty links|[[display text|ColorSchemes]] - links to the tiddler of color schemes|{{{[[display text|ColorSchemes]]}}}|
|External links work the same way:| <br><br>[[TiddlyWiki Google group|]]|{{{}}} <br><br> {{{[[TiddlyWiki Google group|]]}}}|
|Links to local files|To a file on a CD in your D drive: <br><br>To a file on your USB stick on your e drive: <br><br>To a file in your hard drive:|{{{file:///D:/filename.doc/}}}<br><br>{{{file:///E:/filename.doc/}}}<br><br>{{{file:///C:/filepath/filename.doc/}}}|
|Colored text|@@color(green):green colored@@|{{{@@color(green):green colored@@}}}|
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|Subscript|a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~|{{{a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~}}}|

''Simple indenting:''
{{{ {{indent{text }}} produces:


''Numbered lists:''
{{{#item one }}}
{{{##Item 1a}}}
{{{###Item 1ai}}} 

#item one   
##Item 1a 
###Item 1ai 
''Bulleted lists:''
{{{*Bullet one}}}
{{{**Bullet two}}}
{{{***Bullet three}}}
*Bullet one    
**Bullet two    
***Bullet level three    

{{{!Text}}} produces:
{{{!!Text}}} produces:
{{{!!!Text}}} produces:
and so on.

This is the formatting:

{{{|!Table header|!Column Two|}}}
{{{|>| colspan |}}}
{{{| rowspan |left aligned|}}}
{{{|~| right aligned|}}}
{{{|bgcolor(#DC1A1A):colored| centered |}}}
{{{||*lists<br>*within<br>*tables<br><br>and double-spaced too|}}}

This is the result:

|!Table header|!Column Two|
|>| colspan |
| rowspan |left aligned|
|~| right aligned|
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||*lists<br>*within<br>*tables<br><br>and double-spaced too|

To align a cell so that its text displays at the top rather than the center, add {{{vertical-align:top;}}} at the beginning of the cell.

{{{[img[]]}}} is the formatting for:


''Dotted horizontal lines:'' 
{{{----}}} produces:

''Line-by-line blockquotes:''
{{{>level 1}}}
{{{>level 1}}}
{{{>>level 2}}}
{{{>>level 2}}}
{{{>>>level 3}}}
{{{>>>level 3}}}
{{{>>level 2}}}
{{{>level 1}}}

>level 1
>level 1
>>level 2
>>level 2
>>>level 3
>>>level 3
>>level 2
>level 1

''Extended blockquotes:''
{{{Extended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotes}}}

Extended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotesExtended blockquotes
+++[Office Hours]
|>| Carlos Morales Gonzalez |
|bgcolor(#CC6633): !MWF |bgcolor(#CC6633): !Tuesday |
| 6:30-7:00am <br>12:30-2:30pm |After 10am and by appointment|

[[Service-Learning Calendar|]]
The following conversation has taken place over a period of a couple of weeks.  Ironically, much of it has not been captured in writing.  What follows is a very small ++++[sample.]

Hey man. I know you're busy to the point of being overwhelmed right now, so get to this whenever you come up for air, but I had some thoughts about writing this morning that I wanted to get down. I was thinking about writing some poetry, playing with the idea of writing a poem about how good it felt to eat a mango yesterday. Remember I was telling you about that mango Max gave me from his garden? I wrote some lines, just brainstorming, about how the fibers of the mango flesh are the fibers of my flesh, and how the juices of the mango flesh are my juices. Not sure what all that means. I had this sense of food and body and world being one, and I had this flashing sensation of feeling that unity as sticky yellow pulpy mango juices and flesh got all over my mouth and fingers, and a good, cool feeling spread through my chest and belly, and as the little fibers got stuck between my teeth. The teeth thing is always a little annoying, but I let it slide this time. Didn't ruin my mood. 

So my thought is, as this mango poem comes to the brink of existence, where does a poem come from? How would I teach someone else who had a similar experience with a mango to try writing a poem from it? In our classes, we teach brainstorming, outlining, freewriting and other "prewriting techniques" to get students from the chaotic idea to the crystallized word, and these techniques work, and I use them all the time. But it seemed like that wouldn't be enough. You would have to go deeper, into something about settling into a certain state of mind to write a poem, and into something about the motivation behind writing a poem. It is, after all, just a silly poem that probably no one else will ever read. Why would I want to write it? I don't think it will be a very good poem, to be honest. But I wanted to write it. And it felt good to write down whatever preliminary feelings I had, much as it felt good to eat the mango.

Let me finish my thought, which I think is already too long. Do I want to write the mango poem and -- this is closely related but different -- do I know how to try to write the mango poem just because I am somehow born/supposed/programmed to write? That's not supposed to sound arrogant -- it doesn't mean that I necessarily write well, just that I am inclined to write by nature, whether well or, as is definitely sometimes the case, pretty badly. What am I trying to say? Do you believe that some people have an inborn ability to write while others don't? I firmly believe that we can teach anyone to become a good writer in ENC 1101, but can you teach anyone to write a good poem? (I wish someone would teach me.) Can you teach someone to want to write all the time, to let their instincts guide the process, as opposed to mechanical brainstorms and outlines? To make it so there is just a poem there sometimes when you wake up in the morning and vague things that are like memories blended with feelings are swimming around your head? I'm not totally sure, but, yes, I think we can. And then, what does all this mean for our work as English Composition teachers at Miami Dade College? Are we getting into the work of creative writing teachers -- or is saying "creative writing" redundant?

How do you get poetry out of people? (I'll send you the mango poem if it comes out.) 
The mango connection of reality is a powerful reflection.  Here's a riff from one of your lines: 
...fibers of my flesh, juices of my body 
It is right and a joyful thing to re-member 
the one flesh and body 
in its multiplicity of forms. 
We bite into this great imagination 
that in-forms all of life, reality, existence. 
We take the flesh in; 
it does the same to us.  
We feed, write, sing, dance, drink, and love.  
Flesh and juice, 
 -- sacred gift for a people 
in transition. 
Holy summertime offering, 
Unexpected visitor of creation, iodine, and fiber. 
A poem for personal consumption, like the mango you bit into.  Maybe part of the difficulty of getting to the point of writing is the idea that we do so only because the piece written is of great enduring value, one we  associate with publishing and large numbers of people appreciating or admiring.  Yet the mango provides a great model -- no fanfare, yet a miracle of smell and taste.
So maybe we can get poetry and writing out of people by feeding them mangoes, life, and lots of love.  Maybe we suffer, I surely do, from a constipated imagination that longs for a good shit. Mangoes are great for that you know.  We find the blockages by writing about them, observing them without judgment, and allowing ourselves room for work in progress, life in the making, imperfection, love of trying and sharing, and creating.

Love your poem. Why in transition? My favorite word in the pome is iodine. I'm not sure why. I thank you for inviting me into your soft juicy sunny imagination. It's nice in here.
You know, my poem hasn't come out yet. I'm constipated. I need powerful mango-laxatives. Yes, part of the reason is that maybe I want whatever I write to be my best somehow -- "of great enduring value," as you put it, if not to other people, at least to me. What this really comes down to, now that I think about it, is something particular about my process. I think I lack trust in prewriting. I need to explore more through my writing -- to just write. I need to be a wild and crazy writing person more often! I like to compose things in my head, have them come out nice and neat and meaningful, from the beginning, instead of just squeezing out -- I like this digestion metaphor -- whatever is there. Even if it stinks. Eeeew. Sometimes you don't really know what you think until you try to write it down, until you unleash the stream-of-consciouesness nonsense in your head. I teach this as freewriting, but don't practice it very often. Sometimes the result is poetry, sometimes the result is, yes, I'm going to say it, shit. But as you say, you clear the blockages, look at it without judgment. Yes, that stuff came out of me. That stuff is me. I need to trust the process, embrace the messiness. I'm thinking the notebooks will be a great way of developing this habit, of writing everyday, of emptying yourself constantly, of letting things fertilize.
For the record, I found myself stopping at several points in the last paragraph and changing things in an effort to make what I'm writing have a meaning, even as I'm writing about not doing that. I also added the caca humor. I guess that's just me.  
I think this is also about energy. It can be easy for me to sit down and make a product -- a piece of writing. I can write an "essay" in 30 minutes. But it can be hard for me to go through a process. It hurts to know your pouring yourself out and that you may have to throw it all away. But I come back to confronting something that is the only thing that I really know about writing well: that it is hard. That it takes time. Thanks for reminding me that good writers always embrace that it is a long, messy, uncomfortable, at times stomach-turning, but always, in the end, rewarding process. Nothing ever really gets flushed down the toilet when it comes to writing. 
I'm curious to know more about your process. I'm curious to know if any part of it gives you a hard time, mango man.
I'm gonna write that poem one of these days... 

All around me I'm hearing music.  My daughter is taking a shower blasting something from the radio.  My son is playing Wii and trying to karaoke the song "Freak Out."  There's a message there for me somehow!
Often I look for the right time and place to write.  I figure that with enough quiet (both the inner and outer kind) that I could write something meaningful and satisfying.  The problem is that those times of quiet are hard to find.  As a matter of fact, even when things are outwardly quiet, I find myself in a very noisy inner place that tricks me into thinking that the time is not right for writing.
For me this is my biggest obstacle and hurdle.  I would like to say that I have this figured out and know how to work in my own noise, but the truth is that more often than not, I am drowned by the noises around and inside.  I know that what I must do is actually to get myself to write -- no matter what, that even when I feel that what will come through will not be of much worth, that I can keep trying.  
I suppose that working with a writing group should be a big help in inviting the writing habit to happen.  We've talked about this for some time.  It's pretty cool to have someone to share what is happening with one's writing or at least attempts at writing.  Working within a community provides a pressure of sorts to not let go of the writing habit. We know that there are others who in a sense are also wrestling with the same writing demons.
In reference to the poem, I was symbolically connecting the mango to the host (Body of Christ) in the Catholic liturgy.  The poem picks up on the Eucharistic invocation right before the priest lifts the host and then breaks it in half.  For many years, and even now, this ritual has fed my imagination and spirit.  Food is divine!  So are words.  We are all in transition -- lives in the process of being lived, loved, and liberated.  Like the mango, we will be digested and transformed.  It's a matter of time. In the meantime, the noise continues but with enough skill, it, too, can be invited into the stew of our lives' creativity. (Espero.)
Send me that poem!

For some reason, I don't have a lot of issues with noise. Maybe part of it is that I just have a quieter life than you -- namely, no pets or kids. It's really easy to turn off the external noise or to just get away from it. Do you find you can't get away from it when you want to, late at night, in your room? Or does the life a family man just not allow that? Maybe truly great writers are more isolated than the average person. (There's a stereotype about the miserable, alienated artist.) It's a paradox -- because good writers also have to be more attuned to the people around them, to live with them, to listen to them, than the average person. 

Also, I may be more comfortable with the inner noise. I'm listening to your wife Marybel help your niece Jenny with her hw -- and now they're gone. I just switched them off. It's just me and my thoughts now.  Funny, it's harder for me to switch off the outside world when I'm reading. I hate reading with the tv on, for example. Lots of people don't seem to have a problem with that. But I can get completely absorbed when I'm writing. I go into a bubble. I sometimes write for hours and hours, skip lunch, lose the desire to eat and sleep. My head has strong sound-proof walls, and I can retreat to the safety of that place for long periods, like a bear hibernating, or a catepillar building a cocoon.

People definitely write differently, yet there are definitely hallmarks of what good writing is regardless of how you get there. 

I remember reading this comment that Hemingway made. I did a lot of research about him in graduate school and got a chance to read a lot about his process, which I think parallels my mine. He also liked to write slowly and painfully in his own little quiet world. At the same time, he was an adventure junky, always traveling, romancing, fighting bulls, catching Marlin in Cuba. Anyway, he said something about how he didn't care that others could write much faster than he could, that he was happy writing 500 good words a day, and that his peers who could produce 5000 just had verbal "dihaerra." You know I had to come back to that.

I love writing poetry because it gives me license to have diharrea. I love just listening to my voice, allowing my emotions to float up to the surface in random, dream-like shapes, searching for words and sounds and images that connect. I love playing with it -- and then going back over it compulsively to see if I can find value, a basic core of meaning.

Tell me what you think. 

Thank God for Mangoes 

I bite into the mango flesh 
The nerves wake up inside 
My hard white teeth 
Flow of yellow juices 
Red and violet mango skin 
born of supple muses 
with undulating capes 
made from the textures, scents 
and aftertaste 

Work your mouth into a mango! 
How does that song go? 
Where does the sun go 
Dropping under the horizon 
From the tree limbs in the heavens 
Ripe with globes of life? 
I don’t really know. 
God, but what a show! 

I remember my body has temperatures. 
Cool is the flesh of the mango 
And my warmth trembles forth 
Not without enamel pain 
Not without a shirt stain 
Yet the buds are fresh inside 
I am eternal flesh 

How does that song go 
About eating life 
Until it drips all over? 
About taking in 
The juice and flesh? 
About passing body sin? 
Souls at a feast of life 
Biting down to the seed 

Peel, cut, chew, suck, swallow. 
How does that song go? 
Breath, feel, sing, tell, write. 
Thank god for mangoes. 


While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities "unwise and untimely." Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. If I sought to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would have little time for anything other than such correspondence in the course of the day, and I would have no time for constructive work. But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statements in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.

Source: [[Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Speeches - Letter from the Birmingham Jail|]]
[[Bomer|]] argues for the importance of memoir writing, especially with adolescent writers.  He points to the significance of memory in creating/crafting a self.  "Making Something of Our Lives: Reading and Writing Memoir" is an excellent resource for students writing memoir.  His weaving of different sources in reference to memory is powerful.

Over the past couple of months I've been in a memoir binge of sorts.  I have not been able to say why  I've been so moved  or intrigued by the genre until just now after reading the following:

In the film //The Ploughman's Lunch//, one fo the characters comments, "Milan Kundera has one of his characters say that struggle of freedom against tyranny is the struggle of memory against forgetting...If we leave the remembering to historians, the struggle's already lost.  Everyone must have a memory.  Everyone needs to be a historian.  In this country, for example, we are endangered of losing hard-won freedoms by dozing off into a perpetual present. (158) 

The link between the struggle of memory, of freedom, and //Ishmael's// leaver and taker retelling and re-membering is clear.  To keep preoccupied with the very moment, the latest news or fad or emerging is to lose a hold on the strands of our lives that make for a bigger and wider narrative than what the tyranny of commercial corporatist interests can control and manipulate through marketing strategies.
<<closeAll>><<permaview>><<newTiddler>><<newJournal 'DD MMM YYYY'>><<saveChanges>><<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel OptionsPanel 'options »' 'Change TiddlyWiki advanced options'>>
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License| <<br>>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|]]|
|Description|show content in nest-able 'slider' or 'floating' panels, without needing to create separate tiddlers for each panel|

Enable animation for slider panels
<<option chkFloatingSlidersAnimate>> allow sliders to animate when opening/closing
>(note: This setting is in //addition// to the general option for enabling/disabling animation effects:
><<option chkAnimate>> enable animations (entire document)
>For slider animation to occur, you must also allow animation in general.

Debugging messages for 'lazy sliders' deferred rendering:
<<option chkDebugLazySliderDefer>> show debugging alert when deferring slider rendering
<<option chkDebugLazySliderRender>> show debugging alert when deferred slider is actually rendered
When installed, this plugin adds new wiki syntax for embedding 'slider' panels directly into tiddler content.  Use {{{+++}}} and {{{===}}} to delimit the slider content.  You can also 'nest' these sliders as deep as you like (see complex nesting example below), so that expandable 'tree-like' hierarchical displays can be created.  This is most useful when converting existing in-line text content to create in-line annotations, footnotes, context-sensitive help, or other subordinate information displays.

Additional optional syntax elements let you specify
*default to open
*heading level
*floater (with optional CSS width value)
*transient display (clicking elsewhere closes panel)
*custom class/label/tooltip/accesskey
*alternate label/tooltip (displayed when panel is open)
*panelID (for later use with {{{<<DOM>>}}} macro.  See [[DOMTweaksPlugin]])
*automatic blockquote style on panel
*deferred rendering of panel content
The complete syntax, using all options, is:
content goes here
* {{{+++}}} (or {{{++++}}}) and {{{===}}}<br>marks the start and end of the slider definition, respectively.  When the extra {{{+}}} is used, the slider will be open when initially displayed.
* {{{(cookiename)}}}<br>saves the slider opened/closed state, and restores this state whenever the slider is re-rendered.
* {{{!}}} through {{{!!!!!}}}<br>displays the slider label using a formatted headline (Hn) style instead of a button/link style
* {{{^width^}}} (or just {{{^}}})<br>makes the slider 'float' on top of other content rather than shifting that content downward.  'width' must be a valid CSS value (e.g., "30em", "180px", "50%", etc.).  If omitted, the default width is "auto" (i.e., fit to content)
* {{{"*"}}} //(without the quotes)//<br>denotes "transient display": when a click occurs elsewhere in the document, the slider/floating panel will be automatically closed.  This is useful for creating 'pulldown menus' that automatically go away after they are used.
* """{{class{[label=key|tooltip][altlabel|alttooltip]}}}"""<br>uses label/tooltip/accesskey.  """{{class{...}}}""", """=key""", """|tooltip""" and """[altlabel|alttooltip]""" are optional.  'class' is any valid CSS class name, used to style the slider label text.  'key' must be a ''single letter only''.  altlabel/alttooltip specifiy alternative label/tooltip for use when slider/floating panel is displayed.
* {{{#panelID:}}}<br>defines a unique DOM element ID that is assigned to the panel element used to display the slider content.  This ID can then be used later to reposition the panel using the {{{<<DOM move id>>}}} macro (see [[DOMTweaksPlugin]]), or to access/modify the panel element through use of {{{document.getElementById(...)}}}) javascript code in a plugin or inline script.
* {{{">"}}} //(without the quotes)//<br>automatically adds blockquote formatting to slider content
* {{{"..."}}} //(without the quotes)//<br>defers rendering of closed sliders until the first time they are opened.  //Note: deferred rendering may produce unexpected results in some cases.  Use with care.//

//Note: to make slider definitions easier to read and recognize when editing a tiddler, newlines immediately following the {{{+++}}} 'start slider' or preceding the {{{===}}} 'end slider' sequence are automatically supressed so that excess whitespace is eliminated from the output.//
simple in-line slider: 
use a custom label and tooltip: 
content automatically blockquoted: 
all options combined //(default open, cookie, heading, sized floater, transient, class, label/tooltip/key, blockquoted, deferred)//
++++(testcookie)!!!^30em^*{{big{[label=Z|click or press Alt-Z to open]}}}>...
++++(testcookie)!!!^30em^*{{big{[label=Z|click or press Alt-Z to open]}}}>...
complex nesting example:
+++[get info...=I|click for information or press Alt-I]
	put some general information here,
	plus a floating panel with more specific info:
	+++^10em^[view details...|click for details]
		put some detail here, which could in turn contain a transient panel,
		perhaps with a +++^25em^*[glossary definition]explaining technical terms===
+++[get info...=I|click for information or press Alt-I]
	put some general information here,
	plus a floating panel with more specific info:
	+++^10em^[view details...|click for details]
		put some detail here, which could in turn contain a transient panel,
		perhaps with a +++^25em^*[glossary definition]explaining technical terms===
import (or copy/paste) the following tiddlers into your document:
''NestedSlidersPlugin'' (tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>)
!!!!!Revision History
''2007.07.26 - 2.3.1'' in document.onclick(), propagate return value from hijacked core click handler to consume OR bubble up click as needed.  Fixes "IE click disease", whereby nearly every mouse click causes a page transition.
''2007.07.20 - 2.3.0'' added syntax for setting panel ID (#panelID:).  This allows individual slider panels to be repositioned within tiddler content simply by giving them a unique ID and then moving them to the desired location using the {{{<<DOM move id>>}}} macro.
''2007.07.19 - 2.2.0'' added syntax for alttext and alttip (button label and tooltip to be displayed when panel is open)
''2007.07.14 - 2.1.2'' corrected use of 'transient' attribute in IE to prevent (non-recursive) infinite loop
''2007.07.12 - 2.1.0'' replaced use of "*" for 'open/close on rollover' (which didn't work too well).  "*" now indicates 'transient' panels that are automatically closed if a click occurs somewhere else in the document.  This permits use of nested sliders to create nested "pulldown menus" that automatically disappear after interaction with them has been completed.  Also, in onClickNestedSlider(), use "theTarget.sliderCookie", instead of "this.sliderCookie" to correct cookie state tracking when automatically dismissing transient panels.
''2007.06.10 - 2.0.5'' add check to ensure that window.adjustSliderPanel() is defined before calling it (prevents error on shutdown when mouse event handlers are still defined)
''2007.05.31 - 2.0.4'' add handling to invoke adjustSliderPanel() for onmouseover events on slider button and panel.  This allows the panel position to be re-synced when the button position shifts due to changes in unrelated content above it on the page.  (thanks to Harsha for bug report)
''2007.03.30 - 2.0.3'' added chkFloatingSlidersAnimate (default to FALSE), so that slider animation can be disabled independent of the overall document animation setting (avoids strange rendering and focus problems in floating panels)
''2007.03.01 - 2.0.2'' for TW2.2+, hijack Morpher.prototype.stop so that "overflow:hidden" can be reset to "overflow:visible" after animation ends
''2007.03.01 - 2.0.1'' in hijack for Slider.prototype.stop, use apply() to pass params to core function
|please see [[NestedSlidersPluginHistory]] for additional revision details|
''2005.11.03 - 1.0.0'' initial public release
This feature was implemented by EricShulman from [[ELS Design Studios|http:/]] with initial research and suggestions from RodneyGomes, GeoffSlocock, and PaulPetterson.
version.extensions.nestedSliders = {major: 2, minor: 3, revision: 1, date: new Date(2007,7,26)};

// options for deferred rendering of sliders that are not initially displayed
if (config.options.chkDebugLazySliderDefer==undefined) config.options.chkDebugLazySliderDefer=false;
if (config.options.chkDebugLazySliderRender==undefined) config.options.chkDebugLazySliderRender=false;
if (config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate==undefined) config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate=false;

// default styles for 'floating' class
setStylesheet(".floatingPanel { position:absolute; z-index:10; padding:0.5em; margin:0em; \
	background-color:#eee; color:#000; border:1px solid #000; text-align:left; }","floatingPanelStylesheet");

config.formatters.push( {
	name: "nestedSliders",
	match: "\\n?\\+{3}",
	terminator: "\\s*\\={3}\\n?",
	lookahead: "\\n?\\+{3}(\\+)?(\\([^\\)]*\\))?(\\!*)?(\\^(?:[^\\^\\*\\[\\>]*\\^)?)?(\\*)?(?:\\{\\{([\\w]+[\\s\\w]*)\\{)?(\\[[^\\]]*\\])?(\\[[^\\]]*\\])?(?:\\}{3})?(\\#[^:]*\\:)?(\\>)?(\\.\\.\\.)?\\s*",
	handler: function(w)
			lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
			lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
			if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart)
				// var defopen=lookaheadMatch[1]
				// var cookiename=lookaheadMatch[2]
				// var header=lookaheadMatch[3]
				// var panelwidth=lookaheadMatch[4]
				// var transient=lookaheadMatch[5]
				// var class=lookaheadMatch[6]
				// var label=lookaheadMatch[7]
				// var openlabel=lookaheadMatch[8]
				// var panelID=lookaheadMatch[9]
				// var blockquote=lookaheadMatch[10]
				// var deferred=lookaheadMatch[11]

				// location for rendering button and panel
				var place=w.output;

				// default to closed, no cookie, no accesskey, no alternate text/tip
				var show="none"; var cookie=""; var key="";
				var closedtext=">"; var closedtip="";
				var openedtext="<"; var openedtip="";

				// extra "+", default to open
				if (lookaheadMatch[1]) show="block";

				// cookie, use saved open/closed state
				if (lookaheadMatch[2]) {
					if (config.options[cookie]==undefined)
						{ config.options[cookie] = (show=="block") }

				// parse label/tooltip/accesskey: [label=X|tooltip]
				if (lookaheadMatch[7]) {
					var parts=lookaheadMatch[7].trim().slice(1,-1).split("|");
					if (closedtext.substr(closedtext.length-2,1)=="=")	
						{ key=closedtext.substr(closedtext.length-1,1); closedtext=closedtext.slice(0,-2); }
					if (parts.length) closedtip=openedtip=parts.join("|");
					else { closedtip="show "+closedtext; openedtip="hide "+closedtext; }

				// parse alternate label/tooltip: [label|tooltip]
				if (lookaheadMatch[8]) {
					var parts=lookaheadMatch[8].trim().slice(1,-1).split("|");
					if (parts.length) openedtip=parts.join("|");
					else openedtip="hide "+openedtext;

				var title=show=='block'?openedtext:closedtext;
				var tooltip=show=='block'?openedtip:closedtip;

				// create the button
				if (lookaheadMatch[3]) { // use "Hn" header format instead of button/link
					var lvl=(lookaheadMatch[3].length>6)?6:lookaheadMatch[3].length;
					var btn = createTiddlyElement(createTiddlyElement(place,"h"+lvl,null,null,null),"a",null,lookaheadMatch[6],title);
					var btn = createTiddlyButton(place,title,tooltip,onClickNestedSlider,lookaheadMatch[6]);
				btn.innerHTML=title; // enables use of HTML entities in label

				// set extra button attributes
				btn.sliderCookie = cookie; // save the cookiename (if any) in the button object
				btn.defOpen=lookaheadMatch[1]!=null; // save default open/closed state (boolean)
				btn.keyparam=key; // save the access key letter ("" if none)
				if (key.length) {
					btn.setAttribute("accessKey",key); // init access key
					btn.onfocus=function(){this.setAttribute("accessKey",this.keyparam);}; // **reclaim** access key on focus
				btn.onmouseover=function(event) // mouseover on button aligns floater position with button
					{ if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(this.parentNode,this,this.sliderPanel,this.sliderPanel.className); }

				// create slider panel
				var panelClass=lookaheadMatch[4]?"floatingPanel":"sliderPanel";
				var panelID=lookaheadMatch[9]; if (panelID) panelID=panelID.slice(1,-1); // trim off delimiters
				var panel=createTiddlyElement(place,"div",panelID,panelClass,null);
				panel.button = btn; // so the slider panel know which button it belongs to
				btn.sliderPanel=panel; // so the button knows which slider panel it belongs to
				panel.defaultPanelWidth=(lookaheadMatch[4] && lookaheadMatch[4].length>2)?lookaheadMatch[4].slice(1,-1):"";
				panel.setAttribute("transient",lookaheadMatch[5]=="*"?"true":"false"); = show;;
				panel.onmouseover=function(event) // mouseover on panel aligns floater position with button
					{ if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(this.parentNode,this.button,this,this.className); }

				// render slider (or defer until shown) 
				w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
				if ((show=="block")||!lookaheadMatch[11]) {
					// render now if panel is supposed to be shown or NOT deferred rendering
					// align floater position with button
					if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(place,btn,panel,panelClass);
				else {
					var src = w.source.substr(w.nextMatch);
					var endpos=findMatchingDelimiter(src,"+++","===");
					w.nextMatch += endpos+3;
					if (w.source.substr(w.nextMatch,1)=="\n") w.nextMatch++;
					if (config.options.chkDebugLazySliderDefer) alert("deferred '"+title+"':\n\n"+panel.getAttribute("raw"));

// TBD: ignore 'quoted' delimiters (e.g., "{{{+++foo===}}}" isn't really a slider)
function findMatchingDelimiter(src,starttext,endtext) {
	var startpos = 0;
	var endpos = src.indexOf(endtext);
	// check for nested delimiters
	while (src.substring(startpos,endpos-1).indexOf(starttext)!=-1) {
		// count number of nested 'starts'
		var startcount=0;
		var temp = src.substring(startpos,endpos-1);
		var pos=temp.indexOf(starttext);
		while (pos!=-1)  { startcount++; pos=temp.indexOf(starttext,pos+starttext.length); }
		// set up to check for additional 'starts' after adjusting endpos
		// find endpos for corresponding number of matching 'ends'
		while (startcount && endpos!=-1) {
			endpos = src.indexOf(endtext,endpos+endtext.length);
	return (endpos==-1)?src.length:endpos;

	if (!e) var e = window.event;
	var theTarget = resolveTarget(e);
	var theLabel =;
	var theSlider = theTarget.sliderPanel
	var isOpen =!="none";

	// toggle label
	// toggle tooltip

	// deferred rendering (if needed)
	if (theSlider.getAttribute("rendered")=="false") {
		if (config.options.chkDebugLazySliderRender)
			alert("rendering '"+theLabel+"':\n\n"+theSlider.getAttribute("raw"));
		var place=theSlider;
		if (theSlider.getAttribute("blockquote")=="true")
	// show/hide the slider
	if(config.options.chkAnimate && (theSlider.className!='floatingPanel' || config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate))
		anim.startAnimating(new Slider(theSlider,!isOpen,e.shiftKey || e.altKey,"none"));
	else = isOpen ? "none" : "block";
	// reset to default width (might have been changed via plugin code);
	// align floater panel position with target button
	if (!isOpen && window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(theSlider.parentNode,theTarget,theSlider,theSlider.className);
	// if showing panel, set focus to first 'focus-able' element in panel
	if (!="none") {
		var ctrls=theSlider.getElementsByTagName("*");
		for (var c=0; c<ctrls.length; c++) {
			var t=ctrls[c].tagName.toLowerCase();
			if ((t=="input" && ctrls[c].type!="hidden") || t=="textarea" || t=="select")
				{ ctrls[c].focus(); break; }
	var cookie=theTarget.sliderCookie;
	if (cookie && cookie.length) {
		if (config.options[cookie]!=theTarget.defOpen)
		else { // remove cookie if slider is in default display state
			var ex=new Date(); ex.setTime(ex.getTime()-1000);
			document.cookie = cookie+"=novalue; path=/; expires="+ex.toGMTString();
	return false;

// click in document background closes transient panels 
document.onclick=function(ev) { if (!ev) var ev=window.event; var target=resolveTarget(ev);
	// call original click handler
	if (document.nestedSliders_savedOnClick)
		var retval=document.nestedSliders_savedOnClick.apply(this,arguments);
	// if click was inside transient panel (or something contained by a transient panel)... leave it alone
	var p=target;
	while (p)
		if ((p.className=="floatingPanel"||p.className=="sliderPanel")&&p.getAttribute("transient")=="true") break;
		else p=p.parentNode;
	if (p) return retval;
	// otherwise, find and close all transient panels...
	var all=document.all?document.all:document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
	for (var i=0; i<all.length; i++) {
		 // if it is not a transient panel, or the click was on the button that opened this panel, don't close it.
		if (all[i].getAttribute("transient")!="true" || all[i].button==target) continue;
		// otherwise, if the panel is currently visible, close it by clicking it's button
		if (all[i].style.display!="none") window.onClickNestedSlider({target:all[i].button}) 
	return retval;

// adjust floating panel position based on button position
if (window.adjustSliderPos==undefined) window.adjustSliderPos=function(place,btn,panel,panelClass) {
	if (panelClass=="floatingPanel") {
		var left=0;
		var top=btn.offsetHeight; 
		if (!="relative") {
			var left=findPosX(btn);
			var top=findPosY(btn)+btn.offsetHeight;
			var p=place; while (p && p.className!='floatingPanel') p=p.parentNode;
			if (p) { left-=findPosX(p); top-=findPosY(p); }
		if (findPosX(btn)+panel.offsetWidth > getWindowWidth())  // adjust position to stay inside right window edge
			left-=findPosX(btn)+panel.offsetWidth-getWindowWidth()+15; // add extra 15px 'fudge factor'"px";"px";

function getWindowWidth() {
		return document.width; // moz (FF)
	if(document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) )
		return document.documentElement.clientWidth; // IE6
	if(document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) )
		return document.body.clientWidth; // IE4
		return window.innerWidth; // IE - general
	return 0; // unknown

// TW2.1 and earlier:
// hijack Slider animation handler 'stop' handler so overflow is visible after animation has completed
Slider.prototype.coreStop = Slider.prototype.stop;
Slider.prototype.stop = function()
	{ this.coreStop.apply(this,arguments); = "visible"; }

// TW2.2+
// hijack Morpher animation handler 'stop' handler so overflow is visible after animation has completed
if (version.major+.1*version.minor+.01*version.revision>=2.2) {
	Morpher.prototype.coreStop = Morpher.prototype.stop;
	Morpher.prototype.stop = function()
		{ this.coreStop.apply(this,arguments); = "visible"; }
*Experiments with language
*Discovered words 
*Snippets of language heard
*Insightful quotations
*Plans for the future
*Writing again about something from an old entry
*Overheard conversations
*Free association

Source:  Bomer, Randy.  //Time for Meaning:  Crafting Literate Lives in Middle and High School//.  Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1995.
Last Updated: <<today>>
Copyright © 
Carlos Morales Gonzalez 
and Alex Salinas
(Kansas City, MO)
March 24, 2003, n.p.

© 2003, KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPERS. Distributed by KNIGHT-RIDDER/TRIBUNE Information Services.

Offensive? Depends on Your Viewpoint

By Karen Uhlenhuth
Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT)

     KANSAS CITY, Mo.--Bob Wolfson has heard plenty of people use the term "Jew" as a verb.

     "You'd be surprised at the number of people who don't know that (derives from) people who are Jewish," he said. "Most of these people grew up in small towns and never knew a Jewish person."

     Does Wolfson take offense? Well, it depends.

     "The difference between being a bigot and just ignorant is whether you know what you said," said Wolfson, Plains States regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and speaks out against racial and religious hatred and extremism.

     Should people take offense at such slurs, obvious or not?

     After all, a couple of black women from Johnson County are suing Southwest Airlines over a white flight attendant's comment they thought was racially discriminatory.

     The attendant had chanted, "Eenie, meenie, minie, moe; pick a seat, we gotta go." Little did she know, apparently, that the original version of the chant included the "N" word.

     Psychologist I.J. Barrish doesn't think it's an overreaction.

     "Who gets to decide what's reasonable to someone else?" asked Barrish, who practices in Leawood. No one, he would argue. That's a call each of us makes on our own.

     When it comes to offense taken, even if it seems like a stretch, Barrish said: "You don't know what people have experienced. You don't know what wounds lie there with scabs over them. Past traumas leave us feeling a vulnerability that gets tweaked by people who don't intend to tweak it."

     That apparently was the case on the Southwest flight. The flight attendant, a 22-year-old, said she'd never heard the racist version of the rhyme she chanted over the loud speaker.

     And while the attendant's experience "may be far removed from the root of that statement, I think that statement was very, very close to a core experience of these women," said Joyce Wallace, a licensed psychologist who practices in Independence, Mo.

     "Can you ever feel too sensitive about something you think has racist implications?" said Wallace, who is black. "I don't think you can. You're talking about the core of who you are."

     Diane Hershberger, director of Kansas City Harmony, is adamant on that point.

     "It seems now people think it's OK to tell people sometimes they shouldn't be offended about race or gender or ethnicity. I happen to believe we don't have the right to tell each other what (we) can be offended about. We don't challenge each other's experiences in other situations. If someone's feelings are hurt in a human exchange, we don't say, 'Come on now, you're faking it.' We accept their hurt.

     "People still may choose to blow them off, but there's something fundamentally wrong, oppressive almost, to say, 'You should feel like me, and I wouldn't take offense.' "

     There's often a divide in how people perceive offense, especially where race is concerned, Hershberger said.

     "People of color often have a different definition of racism and racist behavior than people who are Caucasian. In my opinion, neither is right nor wrong. It's not wrong that whites don't understand that. But it doesn't make them not responsible for understanding when people of color point that out."

     Hershberger hears from white people who are fatigued by what they consider to be unmerited or overblown allegations and complaints of racist behavior. She has no patience for it.

     "How often are Caucasian people confronted with having to hear about discrimination? I don't think it's very often."

     On the other hand, David Donovan, a Kansas City psychologist, said that in the prevailing "climate of PC...people have gotten really kind of wacky about taking offense." He doubts whether hurt feelings are at the root of many such claims.

     Although he acknowledges that humans do at times commit abuses large and small against one another, Donovan said that cries of offense sometimes seem geared to "create some sort of uproar and make a scene, to draw attention for some personal reason. It turns into a platform. Someone says, 'Oh, he offended me and I want a million dollars.' It's like 'Wow, why didn't you just talk about it or write a letter?' "

     Even in the face of an arguable offense, he said, there's merit in moving on and cultivating "some sort of self-empowerment where you're not going to let things like that get under your skin, and you're going to be able to move through the world without having to cry fault every time something happens you think is wrong or offensive."

     For Wolfson of the Anti-Defamation League, one of his missions is to help people deal constructively with racial affronts. He's found that education can be simple and effective. If consulted on the Southwest case, he would have advised the airline to explain to the flight attendant, and perhaps other employees, the rhyme's history and the reason it offends some black people.

     Although the airline trains new employees in racial sensitivity, it did not instruct the flight attendant to stop using the offending phrase. However, according to the lawsuit, she hasn't used it since the flight two years ago. A lawyer for the airline could not be reached for comment.

     "After being educated, if you continue a behavior, it's no longer a mistake, it's a habit," Wolfson said. "When a habit involves bigotry, the answer might be on the courthouse steps."

     "People don't know what they don't know," said Juan Rangel, executive director of the local chapter of the National Conference on Community and Justice. In his case, they don't know that he doesn't think their bean jokes are all that hilarious. Or that he's tired of being called "articulate" after hundreds of such compliments.

     When he's called articulate, Rangel said, "I'm not sure what that means. Is it that other Latino people are not articulate? How did they see me prior to my opening my mouth?"

     But Rangel said he believes people can rein in their offense-taking--and he does.

     And yet..."When it becomes a daily grind and you hear it again and again and again, that wears on you. That's why I can understand those women being upset. Maybe it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

     "Language is powerful. We need to be able to understand people and take them where they're at. I don't get angry. There's no room for getting angry."

     So when people ask Rangel, "Do you eat turkey at Thanksgiving?"--and they do--he keeps calm.

     "I'm thinking, 'What kind of question is that? Not a very good question.' But they really want to know. So in the spirit of forgiveness and understanding where they're coming from, I share with them that, 'Yes, I eat turkey.' " And stuffing and cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes and yams--and arroz, pernil and tacos.

     "If I'd been a jerk, I would have said, 'That's a stupid question!' But then, no learning happens." 

Source: [[SIRS Knowledge Source: Search Results|]]
Post a reasonable schedule for both the PW and non PW classes.
<div id='header' class='header'>
<div class='headerShadow'>
<span class='searchBar' macro='search'></span>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>

<div id='mainMenu'>
<span refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></span>
<span id='noticeBoard' refresh='content' tiddler='NoticeBoard'></span>

<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='MochaSideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
<div id='contentFooter' refresh='content' tiddler='contentFooter'></div>
|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (Beta 5)|
version.extensions.PasswordOptionPlugin = {
	major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 2, 
	date: new Date("Apr 19, 2007"),
	source: '',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	license: '[[BSD open source license|]]',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0 (Beta 5)'

config.macros.option.passwordCheckboxLabel = "Save this password on this computer";
config.macros.option.passwordInputType = "password"; // password | text
setStylesheet(".pasOptionInput {width: 11em;}\n","passwordInputTypeStyle");

merge(config.macros.option.types, {
	'pas': {
		elementType: "input",
		valueField: "value",
		eventName: "onkeyup",
		className: "pasOptionInput",
		typeValue: config.macros.option.passwordInputType,
		create: function(place,type,opt,className,desc) {
			// password field
			// checkbox linked with this password "save this password on this computer"
			// text savePasswordCheckboxLabel
		onChange: config.macros.option.genericOnChange

merge(config.optionHandlers['chk'], {
	get: function(name) {
		// is there an option linked with this chk ?
		var opt = name.substr(3);
		if (config.options[opt]) 
		return config.options[name] ? "true" : "false";

merge(config.optionHandlers, {
	'pas': {
 		get: function(name) {
			if (config.options["chk"+name]) {
				return encodeCookie(config.options[name].toString());
			} else {
				return "";
		set: function(name,value) {config.options[name] = decodeCookie(value);}

// need to reload options to load passwordOptions

if (!config.options['pasPassword'])
	config.options['pasPassword'] = '';

		pasPassword: "Test password"

Even the piecemeal creation of new educational agencies which were the inverse of school would be an attack on the most sensitive link of a pervasive phenomenon, which is organized by the state in all countries. A political program which does not explicitly recognize the need for deschooling is not revolutionary; it is demagoguery calling for more of the same. Any major political program of the seventies should be evaluated by this measure: How clearly does it state the need for deschooling -- and how clearly does it provide guidelines for the educational quality of the society for which it aims?
Source: [[Ivan Illich|]]
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License| <<br>>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|]]|
|Description|Embed a media player in a tiddler|

{{{<<player [id=xxx] [type] [URL] [width] [height] [autoplay|true|false] [showcontrols|true|false] [extras]>>}}}

''id=xxx'' is optional, and specifies a unique identifier for each embedded player.  note: this is required if you intend to display more than one player at the same time.

''type'' is optional, and is one of the following: ''windows'', ''realone'', ''quicktime'', ''flash'', ''image'' or ''iframe''.  If the media type is not specified, the plugin automatically detects Windows, Real, QuickTime, Flash video or JPG/GIF images by matching known file extensions and/or specialized streaming-media transfer protocols (such as RTSP:).  For unrecognized media types, the plugin displays an error message.

''URL'' is the location of the media content

''width'' and ''height'' are the dimensions of the video display area (in pixels)

''autoplay'' or ''true'' or ''false'' is optional, and specifies whether the media content should begin playing as soon as it is loaded, or wait for the user to press the "play" button.  Default is //not// to autoplay.

''showcontrols'' or ''true'' or ''false'' is optional, and specifies whether the embedded media player should display its built-in control panel (e.g., play, pause, stop, rewind, etc), if any.  Default is to display the player controls.

''extras'' are optional //pairs// of parameters that can be passed to the embedded player, using the {{{<param name=xxx value=yyy>}}} HTML syntax.

''If you use [[AttachFilePlugin]] to encode and store a media file within your document, you can play embedded media content by using the title of the //attachment tiddler//'' as a parameter in place of the usual reference to an external URL.  When playing an attached media content, you should always explicitly specify the media type parameter, because the name used for the attachment tiddler may not contain a known file extension from which a default media type can be readily determined.
Default player size:
width: <<option txtPlayerDefaultWidth>> height: <<option txtPlayerDefaultHeight>>
+++[Windows Media]...
Times Square Live Webcam
{{{<<player id=1>>}}}
<<player id=1>>
BBC London: Live and Recorded news
{{{<<player id=2>>}}}
<<player id=2>>
America Free TV: Classic Comedy
{{{<<player id=3>>}}}
<<player id=3>>
Asteroids arcade game
{{{<<player id=4 400 300>>}}}
<<player id=4 400 300>>
Google Video
{{{<<player id=5 flash               400 326>>}}}
<<player id=5 flash               400 326>>
YouTube Video
{{{<<player id=6 flash 400 300>>}}}
<<player id=6 flash 400 300>>
+++[Still Images]...
GIF (best for illustrations, animations, diagrams, etc.)
{{{<<player id=7 image images/meow.gif auto auto>>}}}
<<player id=7 image images/meow.gif auto auto>>
JPG (best for photographs, scanned images, etc.)
{{{<<player id=8 image images/meow2.jpg 200 150>>}}}
<<player id=8 image images/meow2.jpg 200 150>>
import (or copy/paste) the following tiddlers into your document:
''PlayerPlugin '' (tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>)
^^documentation and javascript for macro handling^^
!!!!!Revision History
''2007.10.15 [1.1.3]'' in loadURL(), add recognition for .PNG (still image), fallback to iframe for unrecognized media types
''2007.08.31 [1.1.2]'' added 'click-through' link for JPG/GIF images
''2007.06.21 [1.1.1]'' changed "hidecontrols" param to "showcontrols" and recognize true/false values in addition to 'showcontrols', added "autoplay" param (also recognize true/false values), allow "auto" as value for type param
''2007.05.22 [1.1.0]'' added support for type=="iframe" (displays src URL in an IFRAME)
''2006.12.06 [1.0.1]'' in handler(), corrected check for config.macros.attach (instead of config.macros.attach.getAttachment) so that player plugin will work when AttachFilePlugin is NOT installed.  (Thanks to Phillip Ehses for bug report)
''2006.11.30 [1.0.0]'' support embedded media content using getAttachment() API defined by AttachFilePlugin or AttachFilePluginFormatters.  Also added support for 'image' type to render JPG/GIF still images
''2006.02.26 [0.7.0]'' major re-write.  handles default params better.  create/recreate player objects via loadURL() API for use with interactive forms and scripts.
''2006.01.27 [0.6.0]'' added support for 'extra' macro params to pass through to object parameters
''2006.01.19 [0.5.0]'' Initial ALPHA release
''2005.12.23 [0.0.0]'' Started
This feature was developed by EricShulman from [[ELS Design Studios|http:/]].

// //  macro definition

version.extensions.player = {major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 3, date: new Date(2007,10,15)};
config.macros.player = {};
config.macros.player.html = {};
config.macros.player.handler= function(place,macroName,params) {
	var id=null;
	if (params[0].substr(0,3)=="id=") id=params.shift().substr(3);
	var type="";
	var p=params[0].toLowerCase();
	if (p=="auto" || p=="windows" || p=="realone" || p=="quicktime" || p=="flash" || p=="image" || p=="iframe")
	var url=params.shift(); if (!url || !url.trim().length) url="";
	if (url.length && config.macros.attach!=undefined) // if AttachFilePlugin is installed
		if ((tid=store.getTiddler(url))!=null && tid.isTagged("attachment")) // if URL is attachment tiddler title
			url=config.macros.attach.getAttachment(url); // replace TiddlerTitle with attachment-expanded URL
	var width=params.shift();
	var height=params.shift();
	var autoplay=false;
	if (params[0]=='autoplay'||params[0]=='true'||params[0]=='false')
	var show=true;
	if (params[0]=='showcontrols'||params[0]=='true'||params[0]=='false')
	var extras="";
	while (params[0]!=undefined)
		extras+="<param name='"+params.shift()+"' value='"+params.shift()+"'> ";

if (config.options.txtPlayerDefaultWidth==undefined) config.options.txtPlayerDefaultWidth="100%";
if (config.options.txtPlayerDefaultHeight==undefined) config.options.txtPlayerDefaultHeight="480"; // can't use "100%"... player height doesn't stretch right :-(

config.macros.player.loadURL=function(place,id,type,url,width,height,autoplay,show,extras) {

	if (id==undefined) id="tiddlyPlayer";
	if (!width) var width=config.options.txtPlayerDefaultWidth;
	if (!height) var height=config.options.txtPlayerDefaultHeight;
	if (url && (!type || !type.length || type=="auto")) { // determine type from URL
		if ((u.indexOf('mms')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.asx')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.wvx')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.wmv')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.mp3')!=-1))
			var type="windows";
		else if ((u.indexOf('rtsp')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.ram')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.rpm')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.rm' )!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.ra' )!=-1))
			var type="realone";
		else if ((u.indexOf('.mov')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.qt' )!=-1))
			var type="quicktime";
		else if ((u.indexOf('.swf')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.flv')!=-1))
			var type="flash";
		else if ((u.indexOf('.jpg')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.gif')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.png')!=-1))
			var type="image";
		else if ((u.indexOf('.htm')!=-1)||(u.indexOf('.html')!=-1))
			var type="iframe";
	if (!type || !config.macros.player.html[type]) var type="none";
	if (!url) var url="";
	if (show===undefined) var show=true;
	if (!extras) var extras="";
	if (type=="none" && url.trim().length) type="iframe"; // fallback to iframe for unrecognized media types

	// adjust parameter values for player-specific embedded HTML
	switch (type) {
		case "windows":
			autoplay=autoplay?"1":"0"; // player-specific param value
			show=show?"1":"0"; // player-specific param value
		case "realone":
			height-=show?60:0; // leave room for controls
		case "quicktime":
		case "image":
		case "iframe":

	// create containing div for player HTML
	// and add or replace player in TW DOM structure
	var newplayer = document.createElement("div");
	var existing = document.getElementById(id+"_div");
	if (existing && !place) place=existing.parentNode;
	if (!existing)
	else {
		if (place==existing.parentNode) place.replaceChild(newplayer,existing)
		else { existing.parentNode.removeChild(existing); place.appendChild(newplayer); }

	var html=config.macros.player.html[type];

// // Player-specific API functions: isReady(id), isPlaying(id), toggleControls(id), showControls(id,flag)

// status values:
// Windows: 0=Undefined, 1=Stopped, 2=Paused, 3=Playing, 4=ScanForward, 5=ScanReverse
//          6=Buffering, 7=Waiting, 8=MediaEnded, 9=Transitioning, 10=Ready, 11=Reconnecting
// RealOne: 0=Stopped, 1=Contacting, 2=Buffering, 3=Playing, 4=Paused, 5=Seeking
// QuickTime: 'Waiting', 'Loading', 'Playable', 'Complete', 'Error:###'
// Flash: 0=Loading, 1=Uninitialized, 2=Loaded, 3=Interactive, 4=Complete
	var d=document.getElementById(id+"_div"); if (!d) return false;
	var p=document.getElementById(id); if (!p) return false;
	if (d.playerType=='windows') return !((p.playState==0)||(p.playState==7)||(p.playState==9)||(p.playState==11));
	if (d.playerType=='realone') return (p.GetPlayState()>1);
	if (d.playerType=='quicktime') return !((p.getPluginStatus()=='Waiting')||(p.getPluginStatus()=='Loading'));
	if (d.playerType=='flash') return (p.ReadyState>2);
	return true;
	var d=document.getElementById(id+"_div"); if (!d) return false;
	var p=document.getElementById(id); if (!p) return false;
	if (d.playerType=='windows') return (p.playState==3);
	if (d.playerType=='realone') return (p.GetPlayState()==3);
	if (d.playerType=='quicktime') return (p.getPluginStatus()=='Complete');
	if (d.playerType=='flash') return (p.ReadyState<4);
	return false;
config.macros.player.showControls=function(id,flag) {
	var d=document.getElementById(id+"_div"); if (!d) return false;
	var p=document.getElementById(id); if (!p) return false;
	if (d.playerType=='windows') { p.ShowControls=flag; p.ShowStatusBar=flag; }
	if (d.playerType=='realone') { alert('show/hide controls not available'); }
	if (d.playerType=='quicktime')      // if player not ready, retry in one second
		{ if (this.isReady(id)) p.setControllerVisible(flag); else setTimeout('config.macros.player.showControls("'+id+'",'+flag+')',1000); }
	if (d.playerType=='flash') { alert('show/hide controls not available'); }
config.macros.player.toggleControls=function(id) {
	var d=document.getElementById(id+"_div"); if (!d) return false;
	var p=document.getElementById(id); if (!p) return false;
	if (d.playerType=='windows') var flag=!p.ShowControls;
	if (d.playerType=='realone') var flag=true; // TBD
	if (d.playerType=='quicktime') var flag=!p.getControllerVisible();
	if (d.playerType=='flash') var flag=true; // TBD
config.macros.player.fullScreen=function(id) {
	var d=document.getElementById(id+"_div"); if (!d) return false;
	var p=document.getElementById(id); if (!p) return false;
	if (d.playerType=='windows') p.DisplaySize=3;
	if (d.playerType=='realone') p.SetFullScreen();
	if (d.playerType=='quicktime') { alert('full screen not available'); }
	if (d.playerType=='flash') { alert('full screen not available'); }

// // Player HTML

// placeholder (no player)
config.macros.player.html.none=' \
	<table id="%i%" width="%w%" height="%h%" style="background-color:#111;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"> \
	<tr style="background-color:#111;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"> \
	<td width="%w%" height="%h%" style="background-color:#111;color:#ccc;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;text-align:center;"> \
	&nbsp; \
	%u% \
	&nbsp; \

// JPG/GIF/PNG still images
	<a href="%u%" target="_blank"><img width="%w%" height="%h%" style="display:%s%;" src="%u%"></a>';

// IFRAME web page viewer
	<iframe id="%i%" width="%w%" height="%h%" style="display:%s%;" src="%u%"></iframe>';

// Windows Media Player
// v7.1 ID: classid=CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6
// v9	ID: classid=CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95' \
	<object id="%i%" width="%w%" height="%h%" style="margin:0;padding:0;width:%w%;height:%h%px;" \
		classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" \
		codebase=",4,5,715" \
		align="baseline" border="0" \
		standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." \
		type="application/x-oleobject"> \
		<param name="FileName" value="%u%"> <param name="ShowControls" value="%s%"> \
		<param name="ShowPositionControls" value="1"> <param name="ShowAudioControls" value="1"> \
		<param name="ShowTracker" value="1"> <param name="ShowDisplay" value="0"> \
		<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="1"> <param name="AutoSize" value="1"> \
		<param name="ShowGotoBar" value="0"> <param name="ShowCaptioning" value="0"> \
		<param name="AutoStart" value="%a%"> <param name="AnimationAtStart" value="1"> \
		<param name="TransparentAtStart" value="0"> <param name="AllowScan" value="1"> \
		<param name="EnableContextMenu" value="1"> <param name="ClickToPlay" value="1"> \
		<param name="InvokeURLs" value="1"> <param name="DefaultFrame" value="datawindow"> \
		%x% \
		<embed src="%u%" style="margin:0;padding:0;width:%w%;height:%h%px;" \
			align="baseline" border="0" width="%w%" height="%h%" \
			type="application/x-mplayer2" \
			pluginspage="" \
			name="%i%" showcontrols="%s%" showpositioncontrols="1" \
			showaudiocontrols="1" showtracker="1" showdisplay="0" \
			showstatusbar="%s%" autosize="1" showgotobar="0" showcaptioning="0" \
			autostart="%a%" autorewind="0" animationatstart="1" transparentatstart="0" \
			allowscan="1" enablecontextmenu="1" clicktoplay="0" invokeurls="1" \
			defaultframe="datawindow"> \
		</embed> \

// RealNetworks' RealOne Player
config.macros.player.html.realone=' \
	<table width="%w%" style="border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"><tr style="border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"><td style="border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"> \
	<object id="%i%" width="%w%" height="%h%" style="margin:0;padding:0;" \
		CLASSID="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"> \
		<PARAM NAME="AUTOSTART" Value="%a%"> \
		<PARAM NAME="NOLOGO" Value="true"> \
		<PARAM name="BACKGROUNDCOLOR" VALUE="#333333"> \
		<PARAM NAME="SRC" VALUE="%u%"> \
		%x% \
		<EMBED width="%w%" height="%h%" controls="ImageWindow" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" style="margin:0;padding:0;" \
			name="%i%" \
			src="%u%" \
			console=player \
			maintainaspect=true \
			nologo=true \
			backgroundcolor=#333333 \
			autostart=%a%> \
		</OBJECT> \
	</td></tr><tr style="border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"><td style="border:0;margin:0;padding:0;"> \
	<object id="%i%_controls" width="%w%" height="60" style="margin:0;padding:0;display:%s%" \
		CLASSID="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"> \
		<PARAM NAME="NOJAVA" Value="true"> \
		<PARAM NAME="NOLOGO" Value="true"> \
		<PARAM name="BACKGROUNDCOLOR" VALUE="#333333"> \
		<PARAM NAME="SRC" VALUE="%u%"> \
		%x% \
		<EMBED WIDTH="%w%" HEIGHT="60" NOJAVA="true" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" style="margin:0;padding:0;display:%s%" \
			controls="All" \
			name="%i%_controls" \
			src="%u%" \
			console=player \
			maintainaspect=true \
			nologo=true \
			backgroundcolor=#333333> \
		</OBJECT> \

// QuickTime Player
config.macros.player.html.quicktime=' \
	<OBJECT ID="%i%" WIDTH="%w%" HEIGHT="%h%" style="margin:0;padding:0;" \
		CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" \
		CODEBASE=""> \
		<PARAM name="SRC" VALUE="%u%"> \
		<PARAM name="AUTOPLAY" VALUE="%a%"> \
		<PARAM name="CONTROLLER" VALUE="%s%"> \
		<PARAM name="BGCOLOR" VALUE="#333333"> \
		<PARAM name="SCALE" VALUE="aspect"> \
		%x% \
		<EMBED name="%i%" WIDTH="%w%" HEIGHT="%h%" style="margin:0;padding:0;" \
			SRC="%u%" \
			AUTOPLAY="%a%" \
			SCALE="aspect" \
			CONTROLLER="%s%" \
			BGCOLOR="#333333" \
			EnableJavaSript="true" \
		</EMBED> \

// Flash Player
	<object id="%i%" width="%w%" height="%h%" style="margin:0;padding:0;" \
		classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" \
		codebase=",0,29,0"> \
		<param name="movie" value="%u%"> \
		<param name="quality" value="high"> \
		<param name="SCALE" value="exactfit"> \
		<param name="bgcolor" value="333333"> \
		%x% \
		<embed name="%i%" src="%u%" style="margin:0;padding:0;" \
			height="%h%" width="%w%" quality="high" \
			pluginspage="" \
			type="application/x-shockwave-flash" scale="exactfit"> \
		</embed> \
''Attendance'': Showing up is the most important.  Don't plan on missing class.  Missing more than two classes will jeopardize your grade.  Late work is not acceptable. 

''Participation'': Sharing in class and actively working in your writing circle group are crucial.  Don't hold back and take full advantage of your time in class by sharing with everyone.

''Disabled Students'': 
If you are a disabled student requesting reasonable accommodation, please inform me of your needs at the beginning of the course so that we can discuss and plan any necessary arrangements. If you choose not to disclose your disability, I will presume that you need no such accommodations.

''Plagiarized Papers'': Plagiarism means producing a work that is fully or partly someone else's and claiming it as your own.  Plagiarized work will receive an "F."  This is a very important issue given the nature of on-line work.  Creating and maintaining trust is essential.

''Final Grade Criteria'': Your final grade will be determined by the numerical average of all your assignments, your course participation, and my discretion. 

''Drops'': If you are unable to continue in the course, you must fill out an official withdrawal form with the registrar's office.  If he does not officially withdraw, he may receive an F in the course.
As part of this semester and the next, we would like for you to create a blog which documents your effort and best work.  We suggest a service like Wordpress or Blogger.  It will be up to you to decide the design and content of the site.  Make sure that it represents who you are and provides an audience of readers with samples of your writing process along with finished products. If you need help creating your blog, make sure to contact us right away.  

''Recommended Blog Services''

!Class Portoblogs

|Jessica Rodile ||
|Christian Gonzales ||
|Jhonatan Larrocha ||
|Kevin Gregorio ||
|Elizabeth Gomez ||
|Diana Ocampo ||
|Diego Matayoshi ||
|Ricardo Fernandez ||
|Raquel Calzadilla ||
|Cristina Urdaneta ||
|Maria Arce ||
|Elmer Fernandez ||
|Maria Carolina Murriel ||
|Maria Florencia Sanchez - Isaia||

Phillis Wheatley Class 

2.Edu's blog:
3.Laura Prada 

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) score of 440 or more on the verbal subtest; American College Testing (ACT) score of 17 or more on the English subtest; Computerized Placement Test (CPT) score of 83 or more on the English subtest; or ENC 0021 with a grade of "S." 
1.  Instructional purpose (What is essential for students to know?)
2.  What two places may cause students difficulty? 
3.  What will you model that will help students negotiate the different parts?
4.  What do they need to do with the information they are reading?
5.  How will they hold their readings while they read?

Source:  Tovani, Chris. //Do I Really Have to Teach Reading?//  Ontario: Stenhouse Publishers, 2004.
A spirited, grounded life involves creative uncertainty
First Year at IAC
/*Mocha TiddlyWiki Theme*/
/*Version 1.0*/
/*Design and CSS originally by Anthonyy, ported to TiddlyWiki by Saq Imtiaz.*/
margin: 0 3.4em;

 font-family: Lucida Grande, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; /* Lucida Grande for the Macs, Tahoma for the PCs */
font-size: 11px;
 line-height: 1.6em;
 color: #666;

.header {
 background: #fff; 
 padding-top: 10px;
 clear: both;

border-bottom: 4px solid #948979;

.headerShadow { padding: 2.6em 0em 0.5em 0em; }

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 font-weight: bold;
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.siteTitle a{color:#CC6633; border-bottom:1px dotted #cc6633;}

.siteSubtitle {
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 display: block;
 margin: .5em 3em; color: #999999;

#mainMenu {
padding: 2em 0.5em 0.5em 0em;



#displayArea {
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.tagClear {clear:none;}

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 a,#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a{
 text-decoration: none;

 a:hover,#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:hover {
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.viewer .button, .editorFooter .button{
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.viewer .button:hover, 
.editorFooter .button:hover{
 color: #fff;
 background: #CC6714;
 border-color: #CC6714;

.viewer .button:active, .viewer .highlight,.editorFooter .button:active, .editorFooter .highlight{color:#fff; background:#575352;border-color:#575352;}

 #mainMenu a {
 display: block;
 padding: 5px;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;

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 text-decoration: none;
 #mainMenu a:hover {
 background: #000000 url(arrow.gif) 96% 50% no-repeat;
 background-color: #F5F5F5;

#mainMenu br {display:none;}

#sidebarOptions a {
 text-decoration: none;

#sidebarOptions a:hover {
 background-color: #F5F5F5;border:1px solid #fff;

#sidebarOptions {line-height:1.4em;}

 .tiddler {
 padding-bottom: 40px;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD; 
.title {color:#CC6633;}
.subtitle, .subtitle a { color: #999999; font-size: 1.0em;margin:0.2em;}
.shadow .title{color:#948979;}

.selected .toolbar a {color:#999999;}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:#4F4B45; background:transparent;border:1px solid #fff;}

.toolbar .button:hover, .toolbar .highlight, .toolbar .marked, .toolbar a.button:active{color:#4F4B45; background:transparent;border:1px solid #fff;}

 .listLink,#sidebarTabs .tabContents {line-height:1.5em;}
 .listTitle {color:#888;}

#sidebarTabs .tabContents {background:#fff;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents .tiddlyLink, #sidebarTabs .tabContents .button{color:#999;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents .tiddlyLink:hover,#sidebarTabs .tabContents .button:hover{color:#4F4B45;background:#fff}

#sidebarTabs .tabContents .button:hover, #sidebarTabs .tabContents .highlight, #sidebarTabs .tabContents .marked, #sidebarTabs .tabContents a.button:active{color:#4F4B45;background:#fff}

.tabSelected{color:#fff; background:#948979;}

.tabUnselected {
 background: #ccc;

 .tabSelected, .tabSelected:hover {
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 background: #948979;
 border: solid 1px #948979;

 .tabUnselected {
 color: #999;
 background: #eee;
 border: solid 1px #ccc;

#sidebarTabs .tabUnselected { border-bottom: none;padding-bottom:3px;}
#sidebarTabs .tabSelected{padding-bottom:3px;}

#sidebarTabs .tabUnselected:hover { border-bottom: none;padding-bottom:3px;color:#4F4B45}

#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {
 background: #fff; border:none;
 font-size: .9em;
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {border:1px solid #999;}

.viewer blockquote {
 border-left: 3px solid #948979;

.viewer table {
 border: 2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];

.viewer th, thead td {
 background: #948979;
 border: 1px solid #948979;
 color: #fff;
.viewer pre {
 border: 1px solid #948979;
 background: #f5f5f5;

.viewer code {
 color: #2F2A29;

.viewer hr {
 border-top: dashed 1px #948979;

.editor input {
 border: 1px solid #948979;

.editor textarea {
 border: 1px solid #948979;

.popup {
 background: #948979;
 border: 1px solid #948979;

.popup li.disabled {
 color: #000;

.popup li a, .popup li a:visited {
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.popup li a:hover {
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 color: #fff;
 border: none;

.tagging, .tagged {
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 background-color: #F7F7F7;

.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged {
 background-color: #eee;
 border: 1px solid #BFBAB3;

 .tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {
 color: #bbb;

.selected .tagging .listTitle, .selected .tagged .listTitle {
 color: #666; 

.tagging .button, .tagged .button {
.selected .tagging .button, .selected .tagged .button {

.highlight, .marked {background:transparent; color:#111; border:none; text-decoration:underline;}

.tagging .button:hover, .tagged .button:hover, .tagging .button:active, .tagged .button:active {
 border: none; background:transparent; text-decoration:underline; color:#000;

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { color: #666; background: transparent; padding-bottom:2px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
h1 {font-size:18px;}
h2 {font-size:16px;}
h3 {font-size: 14px;}

#messageArea {
 border: 4px solid #948979;
 background: #f5f5f5;
 color: #999;

#messageArea a:hover { background:#f5f5f5;}

#messageArea .button{
 color: #666;
 border: 1px solid #CC6714;

#messageArea .button:hover {
 color: #fff;
 background: #948979;
 border-color: #948979;

* html .viewer pre {
 margin-left: 0em;

* html .editor textarea, * html .editor input {
 width: 98%;

.searchBar {float:right;font-size: 1.0em;}
.searchBar .button {color:#999;display:block;}
.searchBar .button:hover {border:1px solid #fff;color:#4F4B45;}
.searchBar input { 
 background-color: #FFF;
 color: #999999;
 border: 1px solid #CCC; margin-right:3px;

#sidebarOptions .button:active, #sidebarOptions .highlight {background:#F5F5F5;}

*html #contentFooter { padding:0.25em 1em 0.5em 1em;}

#noticeBoard {font-size: 0.9em; color:#999; position:relative;display:block;background:#fff; clear: both; margin-right:0.5em; margin-top:60px; padding:5px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCC; border-top: 1px dotted #CCC;}
#mainMenu #noticeBoard a,#mainMenu #noticeBoard .tiddlyLink {display:inline;border:none;padding:5px 2px;color:#DF9153 }
#noticeBoard a:hover {border:none;} 

#noticeBoard br {display:inline;}

#mainMenu #noticeBoard .button{
 color: #666;
 border: 1px solid #DF9153;padding:2px;

#mainMenu #noticeBoard .button:hover{
 color: #fff;
 background: #DF9153;
 border-color: #DF9153;
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License| <<br>>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|]]|
|Description|stylesheet overlay adjustments for plugin-specific ID's and classes|

The following CSS declarations modify default style classes defined by various plugins and scripts, and/or used in customized Page/View/Edit templates

These 'style tweaks' can be easily included in other stylesheet tiddler so they can share a baseline look-and-feel that can then be customized to create a wide variety of 'flavors'.

!PageTemplate - siteMenu 
	{ background:transparent; padding:.5em; margin:0; }
.siteMenu a, .siteMenu .button, .siteMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting, .siteMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting
	{ font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }
.siteMenu .button, .siteMenu a
	{ border:1px solid transparent; background:transparent; margin:0px; padding:0px 1px; -moz-border-radius:.5em; }
.siteMenu .button:hover, .siteMenu a:hover
	{ border:1px solid #69c; background:#006; color:#fff; }

!PageTemplate - storyMenu 
	{ display:block; margin:0em 1em .5em 1em; }
.storyMenu a, .storyMenu .button, .storyMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting, .storyMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting
	{ font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration:none; }

	{ padding:1em; margin:0em; border:1px solid; -moz-border-radius:1em; font-size:8pt; text-align:left; }
.floatingPanel hr
	{ margin:2px 0 1px 0; padding:0; }
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel
	{ margin:0; padding:0; font-size:1em; background:transparent; }
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a
	{ font-weight:normal; }
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel blockquote
	{ margin:0;padding:0;margin-left:1em; border-left:1px dotted; padding-left:1em }

.selected .floatingPanel .button,
.selected .floatingPanel a:link,
.selected .floatingPanel a:hover,
.selected .floatingPanel a:visited,
.floatingPanel .button,
.floatingPanel a:link,
.floatingPanel a:hover,
.floatingPanel a:visited
	{ color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]] !important; }


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/* smaller size for bread crumbs (see BreadcrumbsPlugin) */
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[[Textbooks and Readings]]
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[[Weekly Activities for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Calendar of Service for Fall 2007]]

|Author|Clint Checketts|


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*Quinn, Daniel.  //Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit.//  New York: Bantam, 1992.
*Selected Readings
The Language and Rhetoric of Race

By Robert Jensen

     White folks are often parodied--and rightly so--for beginning sentences about race with the disclaimer, "I'm not a racist, but..." What follows is more often than not an overtly racist statement.

     But just as often in white liberal circles these days, one hears the phrase flipped.

     "I know I am a racist, but I am trying to overcome my racism," is a common confession from well-meaning white folks, even those who are politically active in anti-racist campaigns.

     By that they mean that while they are committed to anti-racist politics and realize that they will always have to struggle to stay clear of the unconscious racism that is so easy to fall into in a white-supremacist culture. At least, that's what I meant when I used to say it.

     But I don'[t] say it anymore, in part because in a discussion with a white political colleague I saw clearly how that declaration can allow people to avoid accountability, which led me to question whether such seemingly well-intentioned humility is politically useful. In another situation, I saw how the statement, even when made in good faith, is both imprecise and an unproductive rhetorical strategy.

     The accountability issue first: This white colleague--call him Joe--and I were having a tense meeting about some problems in a political group. I was concerned about what I saw as his disrespectful treatment of two other political allies, one man and one woman, and both of them non-white and younger than Joe.

     I am a white professional of roughly Joe's age, and I suggested to Joe that while I was not branding him a racist, I thought he should think about whether he would have dared to treat me the way he treated them. The reason he wouldn't, I suggested, might have something to do with their age, or their race and ethnicity.

     Joe blew up. "I know I'm a racist," he began, and the usual speech followed about growing up in a racist culture and working to overcome the racist training.

     I could have made the same speech. In fact, when I talk about racial justice I often mention that I grew up in an overtly racist household in a white-supremacist society, and I try to talk honestly about what that has meant in my life. Such discussions are not only reasonable but necessary if we are to make progress, both individually and culturally.

     But there was something in the way Joe used the "confession" of his own racism to avoid accountability that bothered me. Joe could have said, "Yes, I am struggling with living as a white person in a white-supremacist society, Now, tell me more about why you think I acted inappropriately?"

     Instead, his declaration derailed a serious conversation about the dispute at hand. By acknowledging racism in the abstract, he cut off the possibility of a meaningful discussion about a very concrete incident potentially tainted with subtle racism. I was left angry, both in personal terms (his mistreatment of the two allies was not going to be remedied if not acknowledged) and political terms (it's difficult to imagine progress when white allies are stuck in such reactions).

     My second concern is about language and rhetoric. In another incident at a public event about affirmative action, I saw a white anti-racist activist--call him Jim--make a similar declaration during the discussion period after an anti-affirmative action speaker. His comments were intended to make sure he didn't appear arrogant or accusatory; he didn't want to exempt himself from the critique of white America. Unlike Joe, Jim's motives seemed sound to me.

     The problem, however, was that many folks thought he sounded silly. From my vantage point in the auditorium, it appeared that at least half of the audience members, white and non-white alike, rolled their eyes at his comment. They had heard it before, and they didn't find it meaningful. As a rhetorical strategy to an audience that was decidedly mixed in its support of affirmative action, Jim's declaration was ineffective; it rang hollow with them.

     I think there is an important lesson in that audience reaction, and it has to do with the imprecision of the "I know I'm a racist" line. The use of the term "racist" in this fashion drains the term of any meaning. If that same word can be used to describe a KKK member and a well-intentioned white anti-racist activist--who in a very real sense clearly is not a racist--then the term effectively has no meaning. If every white person is a racist, then no one is really a racist. We have to be able to distinguish between the way in which all white people benefit from living in a white-supremacist society (what we could call white privilege) and the different forms that racism--personal and institutional--takes.

     Unlike Joe, who was hiding his weaknesses, I think Jim was hiding his strengths. Just as Joe needs to be accountable for his actions, so does Jim. Instead of saying "I am still a racist," it would be far more honest, and more courageous, for him to say, "I have worked hard to overcome much of the racism that this culture handed me. I think I have done a pretty good job. But precisely because of that fact, I have even more of a stake in having other folks--non-white and white--keep an eye on my behavior and hold me accountable."

     I have been trying to do that kind of work myself, and I think I have made strides. I also am well aware of some of my failures, and I try to be open to critique. But it is precisely because I have done that work that I think I can sometimes see my failures. It is to my own failures I want to turn, to avoid a problem that is common to everyone--but especially to white folks talking about racism--of seeing the flaws in others much quicker than we see them in ourselves.

     One of the traps I fall into far too easily is to "see" race where race is not and should not be an issue or an explanatory framework. Non-white friends and colleagues have told me often that one of the burdens they carry is that in the dominant culture they can never simply be a person--they always are a black person, or a Hispanic person, or an Asian person. This takes many forms. Sometimes people will turn to an African-American person and say, "How does the black community feel about this issue?" as if the person (1) evaluates the issue only through the lens of race, and (2) is authorized to speak for an entire community.

     This takes another common form, with which I constantly struggle: When a non-white person makes a mistake, the mistake often is attributed to race. For example, when I have a white student who does poorly on an assignment or fails an exam, I think to myself, "That student did a crappy job." I see a student, not a white student.

     If a black student messes up, I have to struggle not to let myself think, "That black student messed up." If I am thinking about it, I am careful not to make that mistake. But I don't always think about it. The lifelong training I have received to see black people as intellectually inferior, and the constant focusing of society's attention on the bogus markers of that alleged inferiority (such as standardized test scores), mean that if I am to short-circuit that racist reaction, I have to keep constantly on guard. But I am human; sometimes I let my guard down, I fail.

     But to admit that is not the same thing as saying I am racist. Instead, I would say I am an anti-racist person who often succeeds at resisting the embedded racism of the culture, when he can see it. Even though I sometimes fail, I am different than a colleague who really believes that black people are intellectually inferior--and we all know there are professors who hold such views, even if it is no longer polite to speak them in public.

     That difference makes a difference in the world, especially if it leads us white people not just to applaud themselves for personal strides but to work in solidarity with others on the larger and more difficult questions of institutionalized racism.

     My point is that white people who struggle against racism need not deny what they have achieved. In fact, it is by acknowledging those achievements that we open up the space to go further, both individually and collectively, in resisting the society's racism and one day eliminating it. It doesn't mean we are off the hook; it means we are on the hook even more publicly.

     The balance in all this is tricky. The tendency among progressive whites toward self-congratulation, denial, and avoidance is well-known, especially to non-white people. For example, a few years ago my department's faculty met to discuss problems around race and ethnicity. While everyone was willing to acknowledge that we live in a racist society and that we all carried some of that racism in us, there seemed to be lots of explanations for why other people might have problems but precious little honest introspection.

     At that point in the semester, I had just had an African-American student who had been having problems in class, and too late I had come to realize that my failure to reach out to help her had something to do with my unexamined assumptions about race. So, I posed the question to the group: Does anyone else struggle with this problem of seeing race as an explanation for failure, but only with non-white students?

     The question hung in the air for a moment, dropped on the table, and died a silent death. After some uncomfortable shifting in chairs, the group moved on.

     I tell that story not to appear holier than thou; my failing was real, and it is a problem I struggle with years later, though I think I have made real progress. I raised it in the meeting not to make people uncomfortable but because I was looking for help in dealing with the question.

     At first, I was confused about why my question had been such a conversation-stopper. I thought that by turning the focus on myself and not indicting anyone else, I could help people feel comfortable with talking about a difficult subject. But later I realized that precisely by making an abstract topic real, by admitting that I was struggling with a very serious manifestation of the culture's racism, I had threatened my colleagues who did not want to see themselves that way. To give voice to the problem--even if I only talked about myself--was to make it too real, too threatening.

     It is long past the time that we white folks have to able to see ourselves honestly and be willing to be accountable, not just about our failures but our successes. Both kinds of admissions require courage tempered with humility. Walking that wire is difficult; the balance is tricky. The only thing more dangerous is not to step onto the wire at all.

Robert Jensen is a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas and author of Writing Dissent: Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the Mainstream. He can be reached at

Source: [[SIRS Knowledge Source: Search Results|]]
Without a fully active role in community life you cannot develop into a complete human being. Aristotle taught that. Surely he was right; look around you or look in the mirror: that is the demonstration.

"School" is an essential support system for a vision of social engineering that condemns most people to be subordinate stones in a pyramid that narrows to a control point as it ascends. "School" is an artifice which makes such a pyramidal social order seem inevitable (although such a premise is a fundamental betrayal of the American Revolution). In colonial days and through the period of the early Republic we had no schools to speak of. And yet the promise of democracy was beginning to be realized. We turned our backs on this promise by bringing to life the ancient dream of Egypt: compulsory training in subordination for everybody. Compulsory schooling was the secret Plato reluctantly transmitted in the Republic when he laid down the plans for total state control of human life.

The current debate about whether we should have a national curriculum is phony; we already have one, locked up in the six lessons I've told you about and a few more I've spared you. This curriculum produces moral and intellectual paralysis, and no curriculum of content will be sufficient to reverse its bad effects. What is under discussion is a great irrelevancy.

None of this is inevitable, you know. None of it is impregnable to change. We do have a choice in how we bring up young people; there is no right way. There is no "international competition" that compels our existence, difficult as it is to even think about in the face of a constant media barrage of myth to the contrary. In every important material respect our nation is self-sufficient. If we gained a non-material philosophy that found meaning where it is genuinely located -- in families, friends, the passage of seasons, in nature, in simple ceremonies and rituals, in curiosity, generosity, compassion, and service to others, in a decent independence and privacy -- then we would be truly self-sufficient.

How did these awful places, these "schools", come about? As we know them, they are a product of the two "Red Scares" of 1848 and 1919, when powerful interests feared a revolution among our industrial poor, and partly they are the result of the revulsion with which old-line families regarded the waves of Celtic, Slavic, and Latin immigration -- and the Catholic religion -- after 1845. And certainly a third contributing cause can be found in the revulsion with which these same families regarded the free movement of Africans through the society after the Civil War.

Look again at the six lessons of school. This is training for permanent underclasses, people who are to be deprived forever of finding the center of their own special genius. And it is training shaken loose from its original logic: to regulate the poor. Since the 1920s the growth of the well-articulated school bureaucracy, and the less visible growth of a horde of industries that profit from schooling exactly as it is, have enlarged schooling's original grasp to seize the sons and daughters of the middle class.

Is it any wonder Socrates was outraged at the accusation that he took money to teach? Even then, philosophers saw clearly the inevitable direction the professionalization of teaching would take, pre-empting the teaching function that belongs to all in a healthy community; belongs, indeed, most clearly to yourself, since nobody else cares as much about your destiny. Professional teaching tends to another serious error. It makes things that are inherently easy to learn, like reading, writing, and arithmetic, difficult -- by insisting they be taught by pedagogical procedures.

Source: [[The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher, by John Taylor Gatto|]]
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To Give Our Brightest Deepest Truth

October 15th, 2006

Posted in Environmental, Political, War and Peace, Activism, Global Visions

One of the primary fictions that governs our lives is that we are in any meaningful sense free. Our way of life is predicated on freedom, and is freer than any other way of life that has ever existed, we tell ourselves endlessly, drearily, compulsively, as sleep-deprived we look out the window at the concrete walls of a subway tunnel, on a cattle car carrying us too slow yet too fast toward a job we do not love to make money to buy things we do not want, in a life carrying us too slow yet too fast toward an end—death—for which we are not prepared, having never really lived.

We are slaves who know next to nothing of freedom.

Sure, there are endless diversions available for those who have the money to afford them, and there are, for example, endless varieties of sugar-laden drinks to give us energy and make us fat: recognizing that us in this case is the very rich, and recognizing also that these sugar-laden drinks come at the cost of destroyed aquifers below those whose water is stolen (and we could of course perform the same exercise for our endless varieties of toothpaste, cars, electronic devices, and so on). We have the freedom to consume, and then consume, and then consume some more. We have the freedom to exploit and to be exploited, and then to exploit and to be exploited some more.

But we do not have the freedom to not live under an exploitative, hierarchical system that is killing the planet. This culture systematically destroys non-exploitative, non-hierarchical, sustainable cultures. That’s what it does. It systematically destroys all alternatives (try living as a hunter-gatherer as part of a functioning natural community on Manhattan Island), which means it destroys the ability to say no to participating in it, which means that participation in it is not voluntary, not free. It systematically destroys real freedoms. It systematically destroys landbases.

And this renders the “freedoms” we do have—which should in all reality be called “freedoms™”—pointless, because the freedom to live on a planet not being killed is the most important freedom of all. It is, in fact, the only one that really matters: without a living planet, you have no freedom, because you have no life at all. It doesn’t matter how many freedoms™ you claim—even the freedom to change jobs you hate, even the freedom to vote among corporate-owned representatives—if you can’t breathe the air and can’t drink the water (except the water they sell you).

The “answer” to the problem of us having few real freedoms is not to demand more freedoms from those who are enslaving us in the first place. Unless we have the power to back up these demands and force change, the demands™ are really nothing more than begging. Rather instead we need to take so-called freedoms away from those in power. We need to deprive the rich of their freedom (and ability) to steal from the poor, and to deprive the powerful of their freedom (and capacity) to destroy the planet.

Here’s how I came to understand that. I often give talks, at universities and elsewhere. Just before I walked on stage for one such talk, the person who brought me there whispered, “I forgot to tell you, but I publicized this as a speech about human rights and freedoms. Can you make sure to talk about that?”

I nodded agreement, although I had no idea what to say. Everything that came to me was tepid, along the lines of “Human rights and freedoms are good.” I may as well say I’m for apple pie and the girl next door. As I walked on stage, however, I suddenly knew what I had to say.

“Most people,” I said, “who care about human rights and freedoms and who talk about them in a meaningful fashion, as opposed to those who use them as a smokescreen to facilitate production and implement policies harmful to humans and nonhumans, usually spend a lot of energy demanding the realization of rights and freedoms those in power give lip service to.”

“Sometimes they expand their demands to include things—like a livable planet—people don’t often associate with human rights and freedoms. People have a right to clean air, we say, and clean water. We have a right to food. We have a right to bodily integrity. Women (and men) have the right to not be raped. Some even go so far as to say that nonhumans, too, have the right to clean air and water. They have the right to habitat. They have the right to continued existence.”

People nodded. Who but a sociopath or a capitalist—insofar as there is a difference—could disagree with any of these? “But,” I continued, “I’m not sure that’s the right approach. I think that instead of adding rights and freedoms we need to subtract them.” Silence. Frowns. The narrowing of eyes.

“No one,” I said, “has the right to toxify a river. No one should be free to do that. No one has the right to pollute the air. No one has the right to drive a creature to extinction, nor destroy a species’ habitat. No one has the right to profit from the labor or misery of another. No one has the right to steal resources from another. No one has these freedoms.”

They seemed to get it.

I continued, “The first thing to do is recognize in our own hearts and minds that no one has any of these rights or freedoms, because clearly on some level we do perceive others as having them, or we wouldn’t allow rivers to be toxified, oceans to be vacuumed, and so on. Having become clear ourselves, we then need to let those in power know we’re taking back our permission, that they have no right to wield this power the way they do—they do not have that freedom—because clearly on some level they, too, perceive themselves as having the right to kill the planet, or they wouldn’t do it.

Of course they have entire philosophical, theological, and judicial systems in place to buttress their perceptions. As well as, of course, bombs, guns, and prisons. And then, if our clear statement that they have no right fails to convince them—and I wouldn’t hold my breath here—we’ll be faced with a decision: how do we stop them?”

A lot of people seemed to agree. Then after the talk someone asked me, “Aren’t these just different ways of saying the same thing?” I wasn’t sure what she meant.

“What’s the difference between saying I have the right to not be raped, and saying to some man, ‘You have no right to rape me’?”

I was stumped. But then I realized there’s an experiential difference between these two ways of putting it. A big one. Pretend you’re in an abusive relationship. Picture yourself saying to this other person, “I have the right to be treated with respect.” Now, that may developmentally be important for you to say, but there comes a point when it’s no longer appropriate to keep the focus on you—you’re not the problem. Contrast how that former statement feels with how it feels to say: “You have no right to treat me this way.” The former is almost a supplication, the latter almost a command. And its focus is on the perpetrator.

For too long we’ve been supplicants. For too long the focus has been on us. It’s time we simply set out to stop those who are doing wrong.

I used to teach at a university. My primary task as I saw it was to simply accept, cherish, and praise my students into becoming who they really were. I didn’t so much need to teach them as I needed to provide a safe and supportive environment where with my encouragement they could learn. Many felt a freedom—there’s that word—they had never felt before. And they flourished under that freedom.

I often wondered what I would do if I had the same students for not one but two quarters. And I always came up with the same answer. If this first quarter was about liberation, the second would be about responsibility. Every person needs to learn and experience—incorporate, that is, take into the body—both. And they’re inseparable. Either without the other becomes a parody, and leads to inappropriate and self- and other-destructive behaviors generally characteristic of unconscious or unintentional parodies.

Responsibility without freedom is slavery. As we see. Freedom without responsibility is immaturity. As we also see. Put them together and you’ve got an entire culture consisting of immature slaves. As we see as well, unfortunately both for us and for those we meet. These parodies may be very good if you’re interested in growing the economy, but they’re very bad if you’re interested in life.

What, then, does it mean to be responsible? How can one become responsible? Maybe it will help to know what the word means. Let’s take a walk through a dictionary. “Responsible: liable to be called upon to answer.”

Now, let’s follow back the etymology.

    “Responsible: 1599, ‘answerable (to another, for something),’ from Fr. responsable, from L. responsus, pp. of respondere ‘to respond’ (see respond).”

Let’s keep going back.

    “Respond: c.1300, respound, from O.Fr. respondere ‘respond, correspond,’ from L. respondere ‘respond, answer to, promise in return,’ from re- ‘back’ + spondere ‘to pledge.’ Modern spelling and pronunciation is from c.1600.”

To be responsible is to promise in return. The questions become: to whom is this promise made? And in return for what? This goes to the heart of the “problem” of our lack of freedom, and more deeply to the heart of what is wrong with this culture.


Who feeds you?
What is the source of your life?
To whom do you owe your life?

If your experience—far deeper than belief or perception—is that your food comes from the grocery store (and your water from the tap), from the economic system, from the social system we call civilization, it is to this you will pledge back your life. If you experience this social system as the source of your life, you will be responsible to this social system. You will defend this social system to your very death.

If your experience—far deeper than belief or perception—is that food and water come from your landbase, or more broadly from the living earth, you will make and keep promises to your landbase in exchange for this food. You will honor and keep and participate in the fundamental predator/prey relationship. You will be responsible to the community that supplies you with food and water. You will defend this community to your very death.

When the social system into which you’ve been enculturated is destroying the landbases on which all life depends, that question of who you are responsible to—to whom you make and keep your promises—makes all the difference in the world.

My dictionary defines freedom as “the condition of being free of restraints.” That is not possible. It’s not even desirable. We all have restraints. The absolutely crucial questions include: What are those restraints? Who restrains us (us or someone else)? Why are these restraints in place? and, Whom do these restraints serve? Another way to put this is: we all serve someone or something. Whom or what do you serve?

Here are some more questions. To whom will you be called upon to answer? By whom do you wish to be called upon to answer?

With every word I write—especially when what I write scares me—I think about these questions. And here are my answers I come to every day. I write for the salmon, and for the trees, and for the soil beneath my feet. I write for the bees, frogs, and salamanders. I write for bats and owls. I write for sharks and grizzly bears. When I find myself wanting to not tell the truth as I understand it to be—when I find the truth too scary, too threatening—I think of them, and I think of what I owe them: my life. I will not—cannot—disappoint them.

And I consider myself answerable to—responsible to—the humans who will come after, who will inherit the wreckage our generation is leaving to them. When I want to lie, to turn my face away from the horrors, to understate the magnitude of what we must do and what we must unmake, to give answers that are not as deep and clear and real as I can possibly comprehend and articulate, I picture myself standing before humans a hundred years from now, and I picture myself answering to them for my actions and inactions. Them, too, I will not—cannot—disappoint.

I can sometimes lie to myself. I could probably even lie to you. But to them—to all of those to whom I hold myself responsible—I could never lie. To them, and for them, I give my brightest, deepest truth.

I do this so that they will be free from the restraints of this awful culture, so that they will be free to be truly responsible to themselves, to the land where they live, and to those who come after them.

by Derrick Jensen

Source: [[To Give Our Brightest Deepest Truth » Living Freedom Archive|]]
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 "See also GettingStarted.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Working online// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ You can edit this ~TiddlyWiki right now, and save your changes using the \"save to web\" button in the column on the right.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Working offline// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ A fully functioning copy of this ~TiddlyWiki can be saved onto your hard drive or USB stick.  You can make changes and save them locally without being connected to the Internet.  When you're ready to sync up again, just click \"upload\" and your ~TiddlyWiki will be saved back to",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Help!// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ Find out more about ~TiddlyWiki at [[|]].  Also visit [[TiddlyWiki Guides|]] for documentation on learning and using ~TiddlyWiki. New users are especially welcome on the [[TiddlyWiki mailing list|]], which is an excellent place to ask questions and get help.  If you have a tiddlyspot related problem email [[tiddlyspot support|]].",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Enjoy :)// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ We hope you like using your site.  Please email [[|]] with any comments or suggestions."

 "| tiddlyspot password:|<<option pasUploadPassword>>|",
 "| site management:|<<upload http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + " index.html . .  " + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ">>//(requires tiddlyspot password)//<<br>>[[control panel|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + "]], [[download (go offline)|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + "]]|",
 "| links:|[[|]], [[FAQs|]], [[announcements|]], [[blog|]], email [[support|]] & [[feedback|]], [[donate|]]|"

 "<<upload http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + " index.html . .  " + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ">><html><a href='http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + "' class='button'>download</a></html>"

 "tiddlyspot password:",
 "<<option pasUploadPassword>>",

| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |
| 28/08/2007 16:43:24 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 04/09/2007 21:40:54 | MaribelGonzalez | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 04/09/2007 21:42:40 | CarlosGonzalez | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 04/09/2007 21:43:20 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 04/09/2007 21:43:50 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 04/09/2007 21:44:18 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | ok |
| 11/09/2007 07:42:00 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///H:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | ok |
| 18/09/2007 22:20:27 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 29/10/2007 09:28:13 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///F:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 10/11/2007 22:31:29 | CarlosGonzalezSF | [[firstyear.html|file:///G:/Documents/PWTiddlyWiki/firstyear.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (Beta 5)|
version.extensions.PasswordOptionPlugin = {
	major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 2, 
	date: new Date("Apr 19, 2007"),
	source: '',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	license: '[[BSD open source license|]]',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0 (Beta 5)'

config.macros.option.passwordCheckboxLabel = "Save this password on this computer";
config.macros.option.passwordInputType = "password"; // password | text
setStylesheet(".pasOptionInput {width: 11em;}\n","passwordInputTypeStyle");

merge(config.macros.option.types, {
	'pas': {
		elementType: "input",
		valueField: "value",
		eventName: "onkeyup",
		className: "pasOptionInput",
		typeValue: config.macros.option.passwordInputType,
		create: function(place,type,opt,className,desc) {
			// password field
			// checkbox linked with this password "save this password on this computer"
			// text savePasswordCheckboxLabel
		onChange: config.macros.option.genericOnChange

merge(config.optionHandlers['chk'], {
	get: function(name) {
		// is there an option linked with this chk ?
		var opt = name.substr(3);
		if (config.options[opt]) 
		return config.options[name] ? "true" : "false";

merge(config.optionHandlers, {
	'pas': {
 		get: function(name) {
			if (config.options["chk"+name]) {
				return encodeCookie(config.options[name].toString());
			} else {
				return "";
		set: function(name,value) {config.options[name] = decodeCookie(value);}

// need to reload options to load passwordOptions

if (!config.options['pasPassword'])
	config.options['pasPassword'] = '';

		pasPassword: "Test password"

|''Description:''|Save to web a TiddlyWiki|
|''Date:''|May 5, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (#3125)|
version.extensions.UploadPlugin = {
	major: 4, minor: 1, revision: 0,
	date: new Date("May 5, 2007"),
	source: '',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0 (#3125)'

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {}; // bidix namespace
bidix.debugMode = false;	// true to activate both in Plugin and UploadService
// Upload Macro

config.macros.upload = {
// default values
	defaultBackupDir: '',	//no backup
	defaultStoreScript: "store.php",
	defaultToFilename: "index.html",
	defaultUploadDir: ".",
	authenticateUser: true	// UploadService Authenticate User
config.macros.upload.label = {
	promptOption: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki with UploadOptions",
	promptParamMacro: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki in %0",
	saveLabel: "save to web", 
	saveToDisk: "save to disk",
	uploadLabel: "upload"	

config.macros.upload.messages = {
	noStoreUrl: "No store URL in parmeters or options",
	usernameOrPasswordMissing: "Username or password missing"

config.macros.upload.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	if (readOnly)
	var label;
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
		label = this.label.saveLabel;
		label = this.label.uploadLabel;
	var prompt;
	if (params[0]) {
		prompt = this.label.promptParamMacro.toString().format([this.destFile(params[0], 
			(params[1] ? params[1]:bidix.basename(window.location.toString())), params[3])]);
	} else {
		prompt = this.label.promptOption;
	createTiddlyButton(place, label, prompt, function() {config.macros.upload.action(params);}, null, null, this.accessKey);

config.macros.upload.action = function(params)
		// for missing macro parameter set value from options
		var storeUrl = params[0] ? params[0] : config.options.txtUploadStoreUrl;
		var toFilename = params[1] ? params[1] : config.options.txtUploadFilename;
		var backupDir = params[2] ? params[2] : config.options.txtUploadBackupDir;
		var uploadDir = params[3] ? params[3] : config.options.txtUploadDir;
		var username = params[4] ? params[4] : config.options.txtUploadUserName;
		var password = config.options.pasUploadPassword; // for security reason no password as macro parameter	
		// for still missing parameter set default value
		if ((!storeUrl) && (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http")) 
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString())+'/'+config.macros.upload.defaultStoreScript;
		if (storeUrl.substr(0,4) != "http")
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString()) +'/'+ storeUrl;
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = bidix.basename(window.location.toString());
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = config.macros.upload.defaultToFilename;
		if (!uploadDir)
			uploadDir = config.macros.upload.defaultUploadDir;
		if (!backupDir)
			backupDir = config.macros.upload.defaultBackupDir;
		// report error if still missing
		if (!storeUrl) {
			return false;
		if (config.macros.upload.authenticateUser && (!username || !password)) {
			return false;
		bidix.upload.uploadChanges(false,null,storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password); 
		return false; 

config.macros.upload.destFile = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir) 
	if (!storeUrl)
		return null;
		var dest = bidix.dirname(storeUrl);
		if (uploadDir && uploadDir != '.')
			dest = dest + '/' + uploadDir;
		dest = dest + '/' + toFilename;
	return dest;

// uploadOptions Macro

config.macros.uploadOptions = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		var markList = wizard.getElement("markList");
		var listWrapper = document.createElement("div");
		var uploadCaption;
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.saveLabel;
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.uploadLabel;
				{caption: uploadCaption, tooltip: config.macros.upload.label.promptOption, 
					onClick: config.macros.upload.action},
				{caption: this.cancelButton, tooltip: this.cancelButtonPrompt, onClick: this.onCancel}
	refreshOptions: function(listWrapper) {
		var uploadOpts = [
		var opts = [];
		for(i=0; i<uploadOpts.length; i++) {
			var opt = {};
			opt.option = "";
			n = uploadOpts[i]; = n;
			opt.lowlight = !config.optionsDesc[n];
			opt.description = opt.lowlight ? this.unknownDescription : config.optionsDesc[n];
		var listview = ListView.create(listWrapper,opts,this.listViewTemplate);
		for(n=0; n<opts.length; n++) {
			var type = opts[n].name.substr(0,3);
			var h = config.macros.option.types[type];
			if (h && h.create) {
	onCancel: function(e)
		return false;
	wizardTitle: "Upload with options",
	step1Title: "These options are saved in cookies in your browser",
	step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br>",
	cancelButton: "Cancel",
	cancelButtonPrompt: "Cancel prompt",
	listViewTemplate: {
		columns: [
			{name: 'Description', field: 'description', title: "Description", type: 'WikiText'},
			{name: 'Option', field: 'option', title: "Option", type: 'String'},
			{name: 'Name', field: 'name', title: "Name", type: 'String'}
		rowClasses: [
			{className: 'lowlight', field: 'lowlight'} 

// upload functions

if (!bidix.upload) bidix.upload = {};

if (!bidix.upload.messages) bidix.upload.messages = {
	//from saving
	invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
	backupSaved: "Backup saved",
	backupFailed: "Failed to upload backup file",
	rssSaved: "RSS feed uploaded",
	rssFailed: "Failed to upload RSS feed file",
	emptySaved: "Empty template uploaded",
	emptyFailed: "Failed to upload empty template file",
	mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
	mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
	//specific upload
	loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
	aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
	storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.upload.uploadChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers,storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password)
	var callback = function(status,uploadParams,original,url,xhr) {
		if (!status) {
		if (bidix.debugMode) 
		// Locate the storeArea div's 
		var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
		if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty())
	// save on localdisk ?
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "file") {
		var path = document.location.toString();
		var localPath = getLocalPath(path);
	// get original
	var uploadParams = Array(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password);
	var originalPath = document.location.toString();
	// If url is a directory : add index.html
	if (originalPath.charAt(originalPath.length-1) == "/")
		originalPath = originalPath + "index.html";
	var dest = config.macros.upload.destFile(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir);
	var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
	log.startUpload(storeUrl, dest, uploadDir,  backupDir);
	if (bidix.debugMode) 
		alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);
	var r = doHttp("GET",originalPath,null,null,null,null,callback,uploadParams,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

bidix.upload.uploadRss = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		if(status) {
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadRss
	if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
		var rssPath = uploadParams[1].substr(0,uploadParams[1].lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
		var rssUploadParams = Array(uploadParams[0],rssPath,uploadParams[2],'',uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5]);
	} else {

bidix.upload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
		if(status) {
			// if backupDir specified
			if ((params[3]) && (responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > -1))  {
				var backupfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadMain
	var revised = bidix.upload.updateOriginal(original,posDiv);

bidix.upload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams,data,callback,params)
	var localCallback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		url = (url.indexOf("nocache=") < 0 ? url : url.substring(0,url.indexOf("nocache=")-1));
		if (xhr.status == httpStatus.NotFound)
		if ((bidix.debugMode) || (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )) {
			if (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )
				responseText = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
		} else if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0') 
		if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0')
			status = null;
	// do httpUpload
	var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";	
	var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
	// compose headers data
	var sheader = "";
	sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
	sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
	sheader += "backupDir="+uploadParams[3] +
				";user=" + uploadParams[4] +
				";password=" + uploadParams[5] +
				";uploaddir=" + uploadParams[2];
	if (bidix.debugMode)
		sheader += ";debug=1";
	sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
	sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+uploadParams[1]+"\"\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	// compose trailer data
	var strailer = new String();
	strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
	data = sheader + data + strailer;
	if (bidix.debugMode) alert("about to execute Http - POST on "+uploadParams[0]+"\n with \n"+data.substr(0,500)+ " ... ");
	var r = doHttp("POST",uploadParams[0],data,"multipart/form-data; boundary="+boundary,uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5],localCallback,params,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.upload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv)
	if (!posDiv)
		posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
	if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
				store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +
	var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
	revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
	return revised;

// UploadLog
// config.options.chkUploadLog :
//		false : no logging
//		true : logging
// config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine :
//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

bidix.UploadLog = function() {
	if (!config.options.chkUploadLog) 
		return; // this.tiddler = null
	this.tiddler = store.getTiddler("UploadLog");
	if (!this.tiddler) {
		this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
		this.tiddler.title = "UploadLog";
		this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |";
		this.tiddler.created = new Date();
		this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
		this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	return this;

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.addText = function(text) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	// retrieve maxLine when we need it
	var maxLine = parseInt(config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine,10);
	if (isNaN(maxLine))
		maxLine = -1;
	// add text
	if (maxLine != 0) 
		this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
	// Trunck to maxLine
	if (maxLine >= 0) {
		var textArray = this.tiddler.text.split('\n');
		if (textArray.length > maxLine + 1)
			this.tiddler.text = textArray.join('\n');		
	// update tiddler fields
	this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
	this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	// refresh and notifiy for immediate update
	store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	var now = new Date();
	var text = "\n| ";
	var filename = bidix.basename(document.location.toString());
	if (!filename) filename = '/';
	text += now.formatString("0DD/0MM/YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss") +" | ";
	text += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
	text += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
	text += " [[" + bidix.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
	text += uploadDir + " | ";
	text += "[[" + bidix.basename(toFilename) + " | " +toFilename + "]] | ";
	text += backupDir + " |";

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function(status) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	this.addText(" "+status+" |");

// Utilities

bidix.checkPlugin = function(plugin, major, minor, revision) {
	var ext = version.extensions[plugin];
	if (!
		(ext  && 
			((ext.major > major) || 
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor == minor) && (ext.revision >= revision))))) {
			// write error in PluginManager
			if (pluginInfo)
				pluginInfo.log.push("Requires " + plugin + " " + major + "." + minor + "." + revision);
			eval(plugin); // generate an error : "Error: ReferenceError: xxxx is not defined"

bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	} else {
		return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));

bidix.basename = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
		filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
	} else
		return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
	if (!config.options[name])
		config.options[name] = value;

// Initializations

// require PasswordOptionPlugin 1.0.1 or better
bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
setStylesheet('.txtUploadStoreUrl, .txtUploadBackupDir, .txtUploadDir {width: 22em;}',"uploadPluginStyles");

	txtUploadStoreUrl: "Url of the UploadService script (default: store.php)",
	txtUploadFilename: "Filename of the uploaded file (default: in index.html)",
	txtUploadDir: "Relative Directory where to store the file (default: . (downloadService directory))",
	txtUploadBackupDir: "Relative Directory where to backup the file. If empty no backup. (default: ''(empty))",
	txtUploadUserName: "Upload Username",
	pasUploadPassword: "Upload Password",
	chkUploadLog: "do Logging in UploadLog (default: true)",
	txtUploadLogMaxLine: "Maximum of lines in UploadLog (default: 10)"

// Options Initializations

/* don't want this for tiddlyspot sites

// Backstage
	uploadOptions: {text: "upload", tooltip: "Change UploadOptions and Upload", content: '<<uploadOptions>>'}


* Introduce [[Portoblog/Notebook|Portoblogs]]
*Sign up with [[Facebook|]] and add the group: First Year at ~IAC-07-08 (
*Writing and Language: A [[Mango Dialogue]]

*Continue reading dialogue
*"Shitty First Drafts" by +++[Anne Lamott]

From Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life 

“Shitty First Drafts”
Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts. People tend to look at successful writers, writers who are getting their books published and maybe even doing well financially, and think that they sit down at their desks every morning feeling like a million dollars, feeling great about who they are and how much talent they have and what a great story they have to tell; that they take in a few deep breaths, push back their sleeves, roll their necks a few times to get all the cricks out, and dive in, typing fully formed passages as fast as a court reporter. But this is just the fantasy of the uninitiated. I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts. All right, one of them does, but we do not like her very much. We do not think that she has a rich inner life or that God likes her or can even stand her. (Although when I mentioned this to my priest friend Tom, he said you can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.)

Very few writers really know what they arc doing until they've done it. Nor do they go about their business feeling dewy and thrilled. They do not type a few stiff warm-up sentences and then find themselves bounding along like huskies across the snow. One writer I know tells me that he sits down every morning and says to himself nicely, "It's not like you don't have a choice, because you do -- you can either type or kill yourself." We all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid. The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time. Now, Muriel Spark is said to have felt that she was taking dictation from God every morning—sitting there, one supposes, plugged into a Dictaphone, typing away, humming. But this is a very hostile and aggressive position. One might hope for bad things to rain down on a person like this.

For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts.

The first draft is the child's draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later. You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever voices and visions come through and onto the page. If one of the characters wants to say, "Well, so what, Mr. Poopy Pants?," you let her. No one is going to see it. If the kid wants to get into really sentimental, weepy, emotional territory, you let him. Just get it all down on paper, because there may be some thing great in those six crazy pages that you would never have gotten to by more rational, grown-up means. There may be something in the very last line of the very last paragraph on page six that you just love, that is so beautiful or wild that you now know what you're supposed to be writing about, more or less, or in what direction you might go -- but there was no way to get to this without first getting through the first five and a half pages.
I used to write food reviews for California magazine before it folded.

(My writing food reviews had nothing to do with the magazine folding, although every single review did cause a couple of canceled subscriptions. Some readers took umbrage at my comparing mounds of vegetable puree with various ex-presidents' brains.) These reviews always took two days to write. First I'd go to a restaurant several times with a few opinionated, articulate friends in tow. I'd sit there writing down everything anyone said that was at all interesting or funny. Then on the following Monday I'd sit down at my desk with my notes, and try to write the review. Even after I'd been doing this for years, panic would set in. I'd try to write a lead, but instead I'd write a couple of dreadful sentences, xx them out, try again, xx everything out, and then feel despair and worry settle on my chest like an x-ray apron. It's over, I'd think, calmly. I'm not going to be able to get the magic to work this time. I'm ruined. I'm through. I'm toast. Maybe, I'd think, I can get my old job back as a clerk-typist. But probably not. I'd get up and study my teeth in the mirror for a while. Then I'd stop, remember to breathe, make a few phone calls, hit the kitchen and chow down. Eventually I'd go back and sit down at my desk, and sigh for the next ten minutes.

Finally I would pick up my one-inch picture frame, stare into it as if for the answer, and every time the answer would come: all I had to do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say, the opening paragraph. And no one was going to see it.

So I'd start writing without reining myself in. It was almost just typing, just making my fingers move. And the writing would be terrible. I'd write a lead paragraph that was a whole page, even though the entire review could only be three pages long, and then I'd start writing up descriptions of the food, one dish at a time, bird by bird, and the critics would be sitting on my shoulders, commenting like cartoon characters. They'd be pretending to snore, or rolling their eyes at my overwrought descriptions, no matter how hard I tried to tone those descriptions down, no matter how conscious I was of what a friend said to me gently in my early days of restaurant reviewing. "Annie," she said, "it is just a piece of chicken. It is just a bit of cake."

But because by then I had been writing for so long, I would eventually let myself trust the process -- sort of, more or less. I'd write a first draft that was maybe twice as long as it should be, with a self-indulgent and boring beginning, stupefying descriptions of the meal, lots of quotes from my black-humored friends that made them sound more like the Manson girls than food lovers, and no ending to speak of. The whole thing would be so long and incoherent and hideous that for the rest of the day I'd obsess about getting creamed by a car before I could write a decent second draft. I'd worry that people would read what I'd written and believe that the accident had really been a suicide, that I had panicked because my talent was waning and my mind was shot.

The next day, though, I'd sit down, go through it all with a colored pen, take out everything I possibly could, find a new lead somewhere on the second page, figure out a kicky place to end it, and then write a second draft. It always turned out fine, sometimes even funny and weird and helpful. I'd go over it one more time and mail it in.

Then, a month later, when it was time for another review, the whole process would start again, complete with the fears that people would find my first draft before I could rewrite it.

Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something -- anything -- down on paper. A friend of mine says that the first draft is the down draft -- you just get it down. The second draft is the up draft -- you fix it up. You try to say what you have to say more accurately. And the third draft is the dental draft, where you check every tooth, to see if it's loose or cramped or decayed, or even, God help us, healthy. 

What I've learned to do when I sit down to work on a shitty first draft is to quiet the voices in my head. First there's the vinegar-lipped Reader Lady, who says primly, "Well, that's not very interesting, is it?" And there's the emaciated German male who writes these Orwellian memos detailing your thought crimes. And there are your parents, agonizing over your lack of loyalty and discretion; and there's William Burroughs, dozing off or shooting up because he finds you as bold and articulate as a houseplant; and so on. And there are also the dogs: let's not forget the dogs, the dogs in their pen who will surely hurtle and snarl their way out if you ever stop writing, because writing is, for some of us, the latch that keeps the door of the pen closed, keeps those crazy ravenous dogs contained. 

Quieting these voices is at least half the battle I fight daily. But this is better than it used to be. It used to be 87 percent. Left to its own devices, my mind spends much of its time having conversations with people who aren't there. I walk along defending myself to people, or exchanging repartee with them, or rationalizing my behavior, or seducing them with gossip, or pretending I'm on their TV talk show or whatever. I speed or run an aging yellow light or don't come to a full stop, and one nanosecond later am explaining to imaginary cops exactly why I had to do what I did, or insisting that I did not in fact do it. 

I happened to mention this to a hypnotist I saw many years ago, and he looked at me very nicely. At first I thought he was feeling around on the floor for the silent alarm button, but then he gave me the following exercise, which I still use to this day. 

Close your eyes and get quiet for a minute, until the chatter starts up. Then isolate one of the voices and imagine the person speaking as a mouse. Pick it up by the tail and drop it into a mason jar. Then isolate another voice, pick it up by the tail, drop it in the jar. And so on. Drop in any high-maintenance parental units, drop in any contractors, lawyers, colleagues, children, anyone who is whining in your head. Then put the lid on, and watch all these mouse people clawing at the glass, jabbering away, trying to make you feel like shit because you won't do what they want -- won't give them more money, won't be more successful, won't see them more often. Then imagine that there is a volume-control button on the bottle. Turn it all the way up for a minute, and listen to the stream of angry, neglected, guiltmongering voices. Then turn it all the way down and watch the frantic mice lunge at the glass, trying to get to you. Leave it down, and get back to your shitty first draft. 
A writer friend of mine suggests opening the jar and shooting them all in the head. But I think he's a little angry, and I'm sure nothing like this would ever occur to you. 

*If you have any questions, please feel free to post these in group's  [[discussion board under "Questions"|]]; //reply to the post instead of creating a new topic//.
*Go over syllabus
* Introduce [[Portoblog/Notebook|Portoblogs]]
*"Shitty First Drafts" by +++[Anne Lamott]

From Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life 

“Shitty First Drafts”
Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts. People tend to look at successful writers, writers who are getting their books published and maybe even doing well financially, and think that they sit down at their desks every morning feeling like a million dollars, feeling great about who they are and how much talent they have and what a great story they have to tell; that they take in a few deep breaths, push back their sleeves, roll their necks a few times to get all the cricks out, and dive in, typing fully formed passages as fast as a court reporter. But this is just the fantasy of the uninitiated. I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts. All right, one of them does, but we do not like her very much. We do not think that she has a rich inner life or that God likes her or can even stand her. (Although when I mentioned this to my priest friend Tom, he said you can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.)

Very few writers really know what they arc doing until they've done it. Nor do they go about their business feeling dewy and thrilled. They do not type a few stiff warm-up sentences and then find themselves bounding along like huskies across the snow. One writer I know tells me that he sits down every morning and says to himself nicely, "It's not like you don't have a choice, because you do -- you can either type or kill yourself." We all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid. The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time. Now, Muriel Spark is said to have felt that she was taking dictation from God every morning—sitting there, one supposes, plugged into a Dictaphone, typing away, humming. But this is a very hostile and aggressive position. One might hope for bad things to rain down on a person like this.

For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts.

The first draft is the child's draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later. You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever voices and visions come through and onto the page. If one of the characters wants to say, "Well, so what, Mr. Poopy Pants?," you let her. No one is going to see it. If the kid wants to get into really sentimental, weepy, emotional territory, you let him. Just get it all down on paper, because there may be some thing great in those six crazy pages that you would never have gotten to by more rational, grown-up means. There may be something in the very last line of the very last paragraph on page six that you just love, that is so beautiful or wild that you now know what you're supposed to be writing about, more or less, or in what direction you might go -- but there was no way to get to this without first getting through the first five and a half pages.
I used to write food reviews for California magazine before it folded.

(My writing food reviews had nothing to do with the magazine folding, although every single review did cause a couple of canceled subscriptions. Some readers took umbrage at my comparing mounds of vegetable puree with various ex-presidents' brains.) These reviews always took two days to write. First I'd go to a restaurant several times with a few opinionated, articulate friends in tow. I'd sit there writing down everything anyone said that was at all interesting or funny. Then on the following Monday I'd sit down at my desk with my notes, and try to write the review. Even after I'd been doing this for years, panic would set in. I'd try to write a lead, but instead I'd write a couple of dreadful sentences, xx them out, try again, xx everything out, and then feel despair and worry settle on my chest like an x-ray apron. It's over, I'd think, calmly. I'm not going to be able to get the magic to work this time. I'm ruined. I'm through. I'm toast. Maybe, I'd think, I can get my old job back as a clerk-typist. But probably not. I'd get up and study my teeth in the mirror for a while. Then I'd stop, remember to breathe, make a few phone calls, hit the kitchen and chow down. Eventually I'd go back and sit down at my desk, and sigh for the next ten minutes.

Finally I would pick up my one-inch picture frame, stare into it as if for the answer, and every time the answer would come: all I had to do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say, the opening paragraph. And no one was going to see it.

So I'd start writing without reining myself in. It was almost just typing, just making my fingers move. And the writing would be terrible. I'd write a lead paragraph that was a whole page, even though the entire review could only be three pages long, and then I'd start writing up descriptions of the food, one dish at a time, bird by bird, and the critics would be sitting on my shoulders, commenting like cartoon characters. They'd be pretending to snore, or rolling their eyes at my overwrought descriptions, no matter how hard I tried to tone those descriptions down, no matter how conscious I was of what a friend said to me gently in my early days of restaurant reviewing. "Annie," she said, "it is just a piece of chicken. It is just a bit of cake."

But because by then I had been writing for so long, I would eventually let myself trust the process -- sort of, more or less. I'd write a first draft that was maybe twice as long as it should be, with a self-indulgent and boring beginning, stupefying descriptions of the meal, lots of quotes from my black-humored friends that made them sound more like the Manson girls than food lovers, and no ending to speak of. The whole thing would be so long and incoherent and hideous that for the rest of the day I'd obsess about getting creamed by a car before I could write a decent second draft. I'd worry that people would read what I'd written and believe that the accident had really been a suicide, that I had panicked because my talent was waning and my mind was shot.

The next day, though, I'd sit down, go through it all with a colored pen, take out everything I possibly could, find a new lead somewhere on the second page, figure out a kicky place to end it, and then write a second draft. It always turned out fine, sometimes even funny and weird and helpful. I'd go over it one more time and mail it in.

Then, a month later, when it was time for another review, the whole process would start again, complete with the fears that people would find my first draft before I could rewrite it.

Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something -- anything -- down on paper. A friend of mine says that the first draft is the down draft -- you just get it down. The second draft is the up draft -- you fix it up. You try to say what you have to say more accurately. And the third draft is the dental draft, where you check every tooth, to see if it's loose or cramped or decayed, or even, God help us, healthy. 

What I've learned to do when I sit down to work on a shitty first draft is to quiet the voices in my head. First there's the vinegar-lipped Reader Lady, who says primly, "Well, that's not very interesting, is it?" And there's the emaciated German male who writes these Orwellian memos detailing your thought crimes. And there are your parents, agonizing over your lack of loyalty and discretion; and there's William Burroughs, dozing off or shooting up because he finds you as bold and articulate as a houseplant; and so on. And there are also the dogs: let's not forget the dogs, the dogs in their pen who will surely hurtle and snarl their way out if you ever stop writing, because writing is, for some of us, the latch that keeps the door of the pen closed, keeps those crazy ravenous dogs contained. 

Quieting these voices is at least half the battle I fight daily. But this is better than it used to be. It used to be 87 percent. Left to its own devices, my mind spends much of its time having conversations with people who aren't there. I walk along defending myself to people, or exchanging repartee with them, or rationalizing my behavior, or seducing them with gossip, or pretending I'm on their TV talk show or whatever. I speed or run an aging yellow light or don't come to a full stop, and one nanosecond later am explaining to imaginary cops exactly why I had to do what I did, or insisting that I did not in fact do it. 

I happened to mention this to a hypnotist I saw many years ago, and he looked at me very nicely. At first I thought he was feeling around on the floor for the silent alarm button, but then he gave me the following exercise, which I still use to this day. 

Close your eyes and get quiet for a minute, until the chatter starts up. Then isolate one of the voices and imagine the person speaking as a mouse. Pick it up by the tail and drop it into a mason jar. Then isolate another voice, pick it up by the tail, drop it in the jar. And so on. Drop in any high-maintenance parental units, drop in any contractors, lawyers, colleagues, children, anyone who is whining in your head. Then put the lid on, and watch all these mouse people clawing at the glass, jabbering away, trying to make you feel like shit because you won't do what they want -- won't give them more money, won't be more successful, won't see them more often. Then imagine that there is a volume-control button on the bottle. Turn it all the way up for a minute, and listen to the stream of angry, neglected, guiltmongering voices. Then turn it all the way down and watch the frantic mice lunge at the glass, trying to get to you. Leave it down, and get back to your shitty first draft. 
A writer friend of mine suggests opening the jar and shooting them all in the head. But I think he's a little angry, and I'm sure nothing like this would ever occur to you. 

*Purchase notebook and sign up with [[Facebook|]] and add the group: First Year at ~IAC-07-08 (

*Writing and Language: A [[Mango Dialogue]]
*Finish reading Mango dialogue and contribute to  the conversation in Facebook by posting an entry.
*Reflect on sticker family game
*Share portions of Essay #2 (also post in Facebook)
*Discuss //Ishmael// and Jensen
*Writing circles this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday)
*Work on portoblog and "Pequeños Proyectos"
''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Reading & Writing 
*Discuss fear, freedom & creative tension
*Share essay #2 in class (also post in Facebook)
*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Work on portoblog and group theater project
''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Reading & Writing 
Carlos' 10 am Class:
*Class will divide into groups.  One group will work with me in writing circles; another group will work on identifying the main issues and most difficult questions //Ishmael// raises; a third group will watch a portion of "The Future of Food" and take notes.
*Read [[Jensen|]]and [[Kozol Chapter 1|]] (Password: mango)
*Watch Elaine Brown, former Black Panther Party member 
*Put your finishing touches on Essay #2
Carlos' 10 am Class:
*Discussion of racism in public education.
*Class will divide into groups.  One group will work with me in writing circles; another group will work on identifying the main issues and most difficult questions //Ishmael// raises; a third group will watch a portion of "The Future of Food" and take notes.
Carlos' 10 am Class:
*Have final draft  of Essay #2 ready for Monday. 
*Read Jonathan [[Kozol's introduction |]] to //Shame of the Nation//.   (Password: mango)
*Kozol mentions to Brown v. Board of Education.  Please do some preliminary research in your notebooks and come ready on Monday ready to share what you discovered.  Please take a look a the Doll Test & [[Modern example|]]
*Explore what Ishmael would say regarding race; how would he respond to watching the modern doll test?  Write your reflection in your notebook.
*~Service-Learning Day/Office Consultations 
*Discuss fear, freedom & creative tension
*Work on portoblog 
*Share draft of Essay #2 in class (also post in Facebook)
*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Reflection Day
*Reflect on sticker family game
*Scheduling PPS
*Continue to discuss //Ishmael// 
*Writing circles this week (Monday and Tuesday)
*Work on portoblogs 
*Read [[Jensen|]]and [[Kozol Chapter 1|]] (Password: mango)
*We invite you to explore the work of Riane Eisler, author of the //Chalice and the Blade// to explore connections with alternative perspectives to the difficult choices before us:
**[[Excerpt from The Chalice and the Blade |]]
**Short clip regarding recent books on economic principles: <<player id=6 flash 400 300>>

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Essay #2 due
*Reading & Writing 
*Discuss progress with portoblog 
*Share draft in writing circles +++[during office hours.]
Make sure to bring five copies of your text to share with the group.

Read //Ishmael// through Ch. 11

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Treasure Hunt
Carlos' 10 am Class:
*Notebook (Florencia will lead ten minutes of directed free writing.)
*Class will divide into groups.  One group will work with me in writing circles; another group will work on identifying the main issues and most difficult questions //Ishmael// raises; a third group will watch a portion of "The Future of Food" and take notes.
*Read [[Jensen|]]and [[Kozol Chapter 1|]] (Password: mango)
*I invite you to explore the work of Riane Eisler, author of the //Chalice and the Blade// to explore connections with alternative perspectives to the difficult choices before us:
**[[Excerpt from The Chalice and the Blade |]]
**Short clip regarding recent books on economic principles: <<player id=6 flash 400 300>>

*Continue to work on Essay #2 and post responses to one another on Facebook.
Carlos' 10 am Class:
*Discussion of Jensen, Kozol, Eisler, and Quinn
*Question about class
*Final draft of Essay #2 due in class.
*Begin identifying a third emerging topic.
*~Service-Learning Day/Office Consultations 
*Read //Ishmael//   through Ch. 11
*Writing Circle Day		
*~Service-Learning Day
*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Share draft in writing circles during office hours for provisional grade
*Work on portoblog and theater project
*Update your catalogue page in your +++[notebook.] We are getting closer to the end of the semester.  Once you update the catalogue, create a list of missing items in your notebook.  What do you need to write to make this first semester a worthwhile learning experience?

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Reading and Writing
*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Work on portoblog and theater project
*Make sure that you participate in a writing circle by the end of the week.
*Update your catalogue page in your +++[notebook.] We are getting closer to the end of the semester.  Once you update the catalogue, create a list of missing items in your notebook.  What do you need to write to make this first semester a worthwhile learning experience?
*Writing Circle Day		
*Deepening: Writing Circle Day
*Discuss portoblog progress

*Read //Ishmael//  through end

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Student-designed academic challenge

!!Garden Club Day
*We focus on wind and water elements
*Portoblog Q & A
*Work on theater project (scripting)
*Read //Ishmael//   through end	
*Continue working on script for theater project	
*Reflection Day
*Discuss //Ishmael// 
*Work on portoblog and theater project

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Planning Final Theater Projects
*Discuss //Ishmael// 
*Update your catalogue page in your +++[notebook for the last time this semester.]   What does this list tell about you as a writer and a person?  What have you accomplished?  How will you want to proceed in the next semester?

*Work on portoblog and theater project
*Deepening:  Writing Circle Day		
*Deepening: Writing Circle Day
*Work on final Theater Project
*Finished +++[portoblog due]
We will need to schedule outside class time to confer with you regarding your final semester grade. 

*Update your catalogue page in your +++[notebook for the last time this semester.]   What does this list tell about you as a writer and a person?  What have you accomplished?  How will you want to proceed in the next semester?

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Planning Final Theater Projects
*Work on final Theater Project
*Portoblog due	
*Theater project performance workshop		
*~Service-Learning Day
*Work on final Theater Project
*Shared reflections

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Reflection Day
''M: Labor Day'' 
We invite you to explore the meaning of the holiday.  Here are two sources:
*[[AFL-CIO Blog|]]
*[[U.S. Department of Labor|]]
We also invite you to consider the action of the local [[Farm Union]] and their continued effort to improve wages. 

*Another [[mango poem|]]; this time by poet Richard Blanco.  To open the page you will need a +++[password]  You guessed it; the password is //mango//.

*Introduce Portoblog: Reflection on Personal vs. Public writing
*Dream Act & letter writing possibility
*Continue with [mango dialogue]
*Go over +++[notebook diagram/process]


*Guest Presentation: Gilberto Simpson, Young People’s Project
Read [["How to Tame a Wild Tongue"|]] by +++[Gloria Anzaldua.]
To learn more about Anzaldua, visit the following sites:
"The password for the reading is the same: //mango//.
!!Monday Labor Day
We invite you to explore the meaning of the holiday.  Here are two sources:
*[[AFL-CIO Blog|]]
*[[U.S. Department of Labor|]]
We also invite you to consider the action of the local [[Farm Union]] and their continued effort to improve wages. 

*Another [[mango poem|]]; this time by poet Richard Blanco.  To open the page you will need a +++[password]  You guessed it; the password is //mango//.

*Finish [[Mango Dialogue]]
*Guest Presentation: Gilberto Simpson, Young People’s Project
Read [["How to Tame a Wild Tongue"|]] by +++[Gloria Anzaldua.]
To learn more about Anzaldua, visit the following sites:
"The password for the reading is the same: //mango//.

*Introduce Portoblog: *Personal vs. Public writing (Dream Act & Letter Writing)
*Go over +++[notebook diagram/process] 


*Post entry in Facebook regarding Dream Act.
*Continue dialogue
*Discuss Anzaldua
*Comparing Spanish, Platform English, Ebonics & Other Languages
[[June Jordan Reading|]]
[[½ Overtown Packet|]]
Think about emerging topic from the notebook

*Purpose of Story -- +++[Barry Lopez]
The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That is why we put these stories in each other’s memory. This is how people care for themselves. One day you will be good storytellers. Never forget these obligations.
-from //Crow and Weasel//, p.60
*Continue with Anzaldua; read [[To Live in the Borderlands|]]
*Continue language dialogue
*Notebook time
*Overtown presentation
*Form teams
*Purpose of Story -- +++[Barry Lopez]
The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That is why we put these stories in each other’s memory. This is how people care for themselves. One day you will be good storytellers. Never forget these obligations.
-from //Crow and Weasel//, p.60

*Discuss Anzaldua
*[[Read June Jordan|]]
*Continue with Anzaldua; read [[To Live in the Borderlands|]]
*Comparing Spanish, Platform English, Ebonics & Other Languages
*Discuss June Jordan
*[[½ Overtown Packet|]]
*Think about emerging topic from the notebook
*Overtown presentation
*Form project teams
*Notebook – work on emerging topic
*½ Overtown Packet
*Collect around emerging topic
*Gather Overtown stories in teams
*Post possible emerging topic in Facebook
*Sharing topics: small & large groups
*Share Overtown Stories
*Questions and answers about kids: Catherine Houlihan presentation (protocols)
*Brainstorm I Have a Dream Social
*Sign up for Writing Circles Next Week
*Read “[[Engaged Pedagogy|]]” by +++[bell hooks]
To learn more about hooks, visit the following sites:

*Create a catalogue page in your +++[notebook.]  Basically, look back at all of your entries and categorize them as you see fit.  For instance, you may look at types of writing (analytical, reflective, descriptive, informative, persuasive, creative, etc.), themes (relationships, discoveries, stress, etc.), audiences (personal, public, friendly, antagonistic, etc) .

*Write first draft
''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
Introductions that aim to  get to know one another, feeling comfortable sharing, a vision of the future.
*Conduct assessments

//Make sure to coordinate with library for following week//
*Sharing topics: small & large groups
*Questions and answers about kids: Catherine Houlihan presentation (protocols)
*Finish preparing for team community presentations	
*Share community stories and research
*Read “[[Engaged Pedagogy|]]” by +++[bell hooks]
To learn more about hooks, visit the following sites:

*Write first draft, Essay #1
*Discuss bell hooks’ +++[“Engaged Pedagogy”]
The following list of ideas from "Engaged Pedagogy" may be useful in generating discussion:
*“…an aspect of our vocation that is sacred…” (13).  What does this mean in terms of teaching and learning?
**…to teach in the manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students…” 
*…transgressing boundaries 
*…a relationship based on mutual recognition
*People that might be interesting to discover and explore:  Paulo Freire and Thich Nhat Hanh
*…banking system — students as consumers of facts, figures, and pre-digested knowledge; teachers as purveyors of such discrete “products” managed by another layer of bureaucracy that regulates how much to sell and place into the empty minds and hearts of consumers.
*Freiren term: conscientization—critical awareness and engagement (14)
*“…education can only be liberatory when everyone claims knowledge as the field in which we all labor” (14).
*Freiren term: praxis—action and reflection in the world in order to change it.
*Thich Nhat Hanh principle—teacher as healer.  Could we say that for that role to emerge the student also becomes healer.  (Reader response relationship…the text becomes what it is as the reader engages it.  The healer becomes the healer as both participants in the relationship engage in the healing process.)
*Thich Nhat Hanh—emphasizes wholeness through union of mind, body, and spirit.
*Engaged pedagogy emphasizes well being (15).
*Teachers who embrace the practice of engaged pedagogy “…must be actively committed to a process of self-actualization that promotes their own well being if they are to teach in a manner that empowers students” (15).
*Explore the notions mind/body split.  (History and practice)
*Dualism between public vs. private
*Any experiences with becoming “estranged from education”?

*Continue working on first essay
*Create a catalogue page in your +++[notebook.]  Basically, look back at all of your entries and categorize them as you see fit.  For instance, you may look at types of writing (analytical, reflective, descriptive, informative, persuasive, creative, etc.), themes (relationships, discoveries, stress, etc.), audiences (personal, public, friendly, antagonistic, etc) .


*Post a rough draft of Essay #1 on Facebook
*Discuss hooks: How does the concept of +++[“engaged pedagogy” relate to working with kids?]
The following list of ideas from "Engaged Pedagogy" may be useful in generating discussion:

*“…an aspect of our vocation that is sacred…” (13).  What does this mean in terms of teaching and learning?
**…to teach in the manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students…” 
*…transgressing boundaries 
*…a relationship based on mutual recognition
*People that might be interesting to discover and explore:  Paulo Freire and Thich Nhat Hanh
*…banking system — students as consumers of facts, figures, and pre-digested knowledge; teachers as purveyors of such discrete “products” managed by another layer of bureaucracy that regulates how much to sell and place into the empty minds and hearts of consumers.
*Freiren term: conscientization—critical awareness and engagement (14)
*“…education can only be liberatory when everyone claims knowledge as the field in which we all labor” (14).
*Freiren term: praxis—action and reflection in the world in order to change it.
*Thich Nhat Hanh principle—teacher as healer.  Could we say that for that role to emerge the student also becomes healer.  (Reader response relationship…the text becomes what it is as the reader engages it.  The healer becomes the healer as both participants in the relationship engage in the healing process.)
*Thich Nhat Hanh—emphasizes wholeness through union of mind, body, and spirit.
*Engaged pedagogy emphasizes well being (15).
*Teachers who embrace the practice of engaged pedagogy “…must be actively committed to a process of self-actualization that promotes their own well being if they are to teach in a manner that empowers students” (15).
*Explore the notions mind/body split.  (History and practice)
*Dualism between public vs. private
*Any experiences with becoming “estranged from education”?

*What is a KAE?
*Sharing draft #1 in writing circles +++[''during office hours'']
//Please be prompt.  Bring six copies of your paper to the writing circle.//

*Come up with eight qualities for a KAE.  Post this to the class site.
*Read //Ishmael//  through ch. 3
*Read [["To Hell with Good Intentions"|]] by +++[Ivan Illich's] 
To learn more about Ivan Illich, visit the following sites:

Phillis Wheatley Class

*Finish presentations (15 min.)
*Notebook reflection (5min.)
*What surprised you?
*What changed in your thinking?
*What ideas were reinforced?
*Discuss hooks (15 min.)
*Have questions set up to guide the discussion
*Sign up for Writing Circles
*Plan introductions for Wednesday (30 min.)  We should have time to do a general introduction for everyone and then have a team get to know each other.

*Figure out schedule for Garden Club
*Make sure to have a stable cohort of PW kids 
*Work out list of books for kids to read together in teams.  Determine genres:
*Get roster of PW kids and determine how to split into heterogeneous groups.  (Ask Eric to choose the teams.) We will have 8 groups.  We will need from 16-24 PW students.
*Post Touchstones

Create a sign-up sheet for Writing Circles starting Friday and next week:




Carlos and Alex
4-5:30pm (Possibly at Bayside)

''W:  Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Introduce notebooks
*Go to Phillis Wheatley  library with the children
*Choose books to read (at least 4)
*Read, write, personalize notebook

!First Garden Club Meeting After School
*Exume Candela Box
*Focus on fire element (energy)
*What is a KAE?
*Come up with eight qualities for a KAE.  Post this to the class site.
*Team presentations on what is a KAE
*Read [["To Hell with Good Intentions"|]] by +++[Ivan Illich's] 
To learn more about Ivan Illich, visit the following sites:

*Deepening: [[Service-Learning|]] Orientation 
*Discuss[[Ivan Illich|]]
*Discuss Gandhi Day
*Read //Ishmael//  through Ch. 3
*What is a paragraph?
*Share first drafts in class (also post essay in Facebook; we will create a topic strand for the essays)
*Discuss //Ishmael//

HW: Read +++[“Letter from a Birmingham Jail”]
Take note of the following link and its approach to teaching about King's famous letter:
*Read //Ishmael// through Ch. 5

''W:  Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Reading and Writing
*Discussion of Ivan Illich's "To Hell with Good Intentions" and first three chapters of //Ishmael//
*Notebook and essay work
*Post your finished draft of your essay to Facebook and provide each other feedback.  We suggest that you focus on your writing circle group members and provide as much constructive feedback as possible.  We would like to see this on-line.
**Read +++[“Letter from a Birmingham Jail”]
Take note of the following link and its approach to teaching about King's famous letter:

*Discussion of King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
*Read //Ishmael//  through Ch. 7
*Revise essay and be prepared to turn in a finished printed version of the text by Wednesday.  This will receive a provisional grade.
*What is a paragraph?
*Discuss Ishmael
*Read samples of Essay# 1 together
*Read Ishmael through Ch. 5
*Deepening: Writing Circle
*Read +++[“Letter from a Birmingham Jail”]
Take note of the following link and its approach to teaching about King's famous letter:
*Story time:  "Thank You, Mr. Falker"
*Reflections from last Wednesday
*Introduce Brown VS. Board: “Eyes on the Prize”
*Discuss PP's (Pequeños Projectos)
**Ex. [[Readers' Theater Overview|]]
*Discuss Ishmael
*Preparing for Wednesday Class
**First half hour in the library.  We would like to have a scavenger hunt and also have the kids check out books.
**We are shifting from the books that we selected last week to [[A Diary of a Wimpy Kid.|]]  We have found funds for purchasing the books for the kids, but each group of college students will need at least one copy to create reading and writing activities.
*Please skim through the following report:  [[Helping Traumatized Children |]].  We suggest that you take some notes in your notebooks.
*Read //Ishmael// through Ch. 7
*Identify possible topics for Essay #2.  Keep in mind that your notebook should embody three particular qualities:  volume, variety, and thoughtfulness.  Aim to stretch yourself in your writing with this second essay.  [[Post your emerging topic and in a paragraph|]]   or two explain how you think writing this essay will help you deepen and expand your writing skills.  
*Post your blog address [[here|]]. (Password: mango)
''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection'' 
*Library Visit
*Notebook time
*Continue to work on your notebooks.  Here are some [[suggestions.|Notebook Entry Suggestions]]
*Begin developing Essay #2 in your notebooks.
*Introduce Brown VS. Board and Ruby Bridges
*Discuss [[Readers' Theater Project Overview|]]
*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Talk about service-learning 
*Identify possible topics for Essay #2.  Keep in mind that your notebook should embody three particular qualities:  volume, variety, and thoughtfulness.  Aim to stretch yourself in your writing with this second essay.  [[Post your emerging topic, and in a paragraph|]]   or two, explain how you think writing this essay will help you deepen and expand your writing skills. 
*Print final drafts of Essay #1 and bring to class on Wednesday.  These will receive a provisional grade.
*Continue to work on your notebooks.  Here are some [[suggestions.|Notebook Entry Suggestions]]
*Post your blog address [[here|]]. (Password: mango)
*Essay #1 Due (Bring a hard copy.  Make sure to double space.)
*Reading activity around [[Ruby Bridges|]]
*Introduce Reader’s Theater Ruby Bridges play
*Garden Club at Phillis Wheatley
*Start brainstorming  readers' theater with team members
*~Service-Learning Day. No Class.
*Read //Ishmael//  through Ch. 7
*Introduce Brown VS. Board: “Eyes on the Prize”
*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Make sure you participate in a writing circle for a provisional grade by the end of the week.
*Identify possible topics for Essay #2 and post to Facebook
*Reading activity around [[Ruby Bridges|]]
*Introduce Reader’s Theater Ruby Bridges play
*Start brainstorming  readers theater with team members
*~Service-Learning Day
*Read //Ishmael//  through Ch. 7
*Doll Test & [[Modern example|]]
*Slavery, Segregation to Today: +++[an Overview]
Some links:

*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Read Kozol
*Read Jensen
*Collect around topic for Essay #2
*Update your catalogue page in your +++[notebook.]  Note any patterns over the past couple of weeks.  Aim for diversity of approaches to stretch yourself.  Pay attention to those things that interest and motivate you.  Look into these further .

''W:  Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Reading & Writing
*Portoblog: Q & A 
*Doll Test & [[Modern example|]]

*Discuss //Ishmael//
*Read Kozol
*Read Jensen
*Slavery, Segregation to Today: +++[an Overview]
Some links:

*Discuss Kozol and Jensen
*Update your catalogue page in your +++[notebook.]  Note any patterns over the past couple of weeks.  Aim for diversity of approaches to stretch yourself.  Pay attention to those things that interest and motivate you.  Look into these further .
*Collect around topic for Essay #2	 	
*Deepening: Writing Circle Day
*Prejudice Workshop
*Reflect on Wednesday sessions and reading process
*Discuss PPS (Pequeños Proyectos)
*Read //Ishmael// through ch. 9
*Write draft of Essay #2
*Take a look a the Doll Test & [[Modern example|]]
*Read Jensen

''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Read and write in small groups
*Sticker family game

*Share topics for Essay #2
*Prejudice Workshop
*Read //Ishmael// through ch. 9
*Write draft of Essay #2
''W: Phillis Wheatley Connection''
*Ruby Bridges Reader'sTheater
*Introduce with You Read to Me, and I’ll Read to You
*Break up into groups to translate sections into dialogue
!!Garden Club Day
*We focus on the element of earth
*Possible YPP collaboration
*Prejudice Workshop
*Read //Ishmael//   through Ch. 9
*Write draft of Essay #2	
*Continue prejudice workshop
*Continue working on draft of Essay #2
*~Service-Learning Day
''Fall 2007''
[[Week 1|Week 1 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 2|Week 2 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 3|Week 3 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 4|Week 4 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 5|Week 5 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 6|Week 6 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 7|Week 7 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 8|Week 8 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 9|Week 9 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 10|Week 10 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 11|Week 11 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 12|Week 12 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 13|Week 13 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 14|Week 14 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 15|Week 15 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 16|Week 16 for Classes Meeting at Phillis Wheatley]]
[[Week 1|Week 1 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 2|Week 2 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 3|Week 3 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 4|Week 4 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 5|Week 5 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 6|Week 6 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 7|Week 7 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 8|Week 8 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 9|Week 9 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 10|Week 10 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 11|Week 11 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 12|Week 12 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 13|Week 13 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 14|Week 14 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 15|Week 15 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
[[Week 16|Week 16 for Classes Meeting on Campus]]
The subtitle for this website captures the essence of a very powerful teaching.  We hope that this coming year will be a rewarding exploration of the tension caused between the creative uncertainty of living in a spirited and grounded way and the desire to fall back on established and comfortable habits and patterns of thought.  

Writing is a difficult process.  It calls for reflection, discipline, and faith.  We hope that as you work on your own writing this semester and the next, that you will discover and develop gifts and skills that with effort and joyful exploration will serve you well in your academic and personal life.

Wishing you well,

Alex Salinas and Carlos Morales Gonzalez

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